The Beginning

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AN: Text like this is the person's thoughts.


Y/n: hmm...This black cube, its aura is strong and heavy, these blueprints... iv never seen anything like looks like a battleship?...interesting, ill study it more at sea so people don't see me with it.

3rd Person POV

Y/n grabs the cube and the blueprints and heads onto his boat, he starts the engine and brings the boat to full speed, his boat is glistening over the waves going so fast it's practically floating above the water, Y/n finds a secluded area of the sea where there are no other boats around him.

Y/n stops his boat and brings out the Black cube, he studies it carefully and examines it detail by detail.


Y/n: Its surprisingly light, but its aura, its something iv never seen before...huh? where did all this fog come from? weird, probably is just the weather, let's take a look at these blueprints...

Y/n: Wow! iv never heard of this ship before, iv never seen it in any books or anything, its armaments are better than Bismarcks? Inter-

Unknown girl 1: Hey you, dumbass human, give that here, now.

Y/n: Who are you? and why are you calling me a dumbass when we have never met.

Y/n: Woah, the Black cube, it's getting brighter, and the aura is so heavy I feel so weak...does this have anything to do with these flying girls?... WAIT A SECOND THE GIRLS ARE FLYING???!!!  and they have these weird, gear type thing?

Unknown girls POV

Unknown girl 2: Are you just going to sit there or are you going to give us the cube?

Unknown girl 1: He seems to be examining us, maybe this will get him in his right mind.

Oh and we have met before, Y/n L/n.

Y/n: What do you mean? iv never seen you before.

Unknown girl 1: May 6th, 2015, You were in your parents car, Your mom was driving and your dad was in the passenger seat talking with you.

Unknown girl 2: Y'know Y/n, Your parents knew what we were, if only they were still here to tell you, sadly they knew to much about us so we had to kill them, you mother was a good scientist. We had to kill your dad aswell of course since he also knew about us and worked with the scientists in the military.

AN: Your dad worked at the military as a high ranking officer for the national defense system and your mother worked as a scientist, they discovered the Sirens after an anomaly was spotted outside earths orbit.

Unkown girl 1: Do you remember the beam that hit your car? Incinerating your mother and father, luckily it missed you but we didn't think much of it since you were still young.


Y/n: No, there lying, this cant be true, was just a car accident and I survived, it cant be true can it?

Y/n takes a step back from his boat and accidently puts his onto the black cube which at this point was so bright it was blinding to look at.

Y/n: huh what the?-

Y/n Then feels time stop around him, Memories of the forgotten passed start spring into your head.

Y/n Memories 3rd person POV

Y/n: Thats the car... I remember dad, my mom the two girls, it wasn't an engine failure after all...

you sees two girls, who look exactly like them, the girls in front of Y/n,  then all of a sudden, a purple beam is shot threw the side window, blowing Y/n's mom and fathers head off in an instant, Y/n see's their bodies, slowly melting. The girls are talking to them selves as another Purple beam is shot at the cars engine.

*DISCONTINUED* Y/N and The Unknown (Azur lane X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now