Chapter 2: The Blue Flame Dragon Slayer?

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---Natsu P.O.V---

"Lucy Wake up!"I shouted. She didn't react.I was worried. What happened to her? Her pulse is weaker. "Natsu... Lucy will be alright...right?"Happy asked me. "I...I don't know..."I replied. Lisanna was at my left staring at Lucy. Don't she even care about her? "Oh dear, is she alright? The monster is defeated thanks to her. "Hiki walked into the room. "I...I..I don't know."I replied again.

"Natsu....Everyone...Dead...No!"Lucy screamed. Her eyes shoot open. Tears rolls down her cheek."Lucy!"I shouted. "Na..Natsu..."She cried.I hugged her. "I'm here."I whispered to her. Lisanna gave me an angry stare before stomping out of the room.

"Na...Natsu...I had a nightmare... Everyone died...I'm so scared... "She whispered to me back. "It's just a dream."I comfort her,I'm not good at comforting girls either. She hesitated before saying,"Thank you.But what happened to me?" I shook my head,"I don't know..."

"Natsu...I think I heard Lucy saying roar of the blue flame dragon before passing out..." Happy recalled. "But...why do I feel so cold?"Lucy asked. "Let's ask gramps when we are back to the guild."I suggested. "Granny Hiki,we'll be leaving today."Lucy smiled. "Lisanna! Time to go!"I shouted across the room. She came in and started packing her things. 'Is she mad? Why is she mad?' I asked myself.

"Natsu... We need to talk."Lisanna grab my hand. "What is it?"I asked. "Do Lucy? As in relationship... "She hesitated. "Huh?!! What's with that all of a sudden?"I asked her back. "You and her had been very close with each other lately. "She replied. "Nah,You think too much"I smiled.

"Natsu!Lisanna! We're ready to go!"Happy called out. We went out and saw Lucy sleeping peacefully in the seat. She had too much stress with her these few days. We went into the train. I'm worried about Lucy but I felt more sick as the train moves. I really wish Wendy was here now... I sigh as my head face the widow.

***In Fairy Tail Guild***

"Lucy!Wake up!" I shake her. She opened her eyes weakly. "We have reached the guild."I smiled as she was on my back. I couldn't wake her up when the train had reached the station so I carried her on my back. Oh well,I barely make it to the platform too.

"Oh my! Lucy-san! Are you alright?" Wendy spotted us. Lucy shake her head."We need to talk to gramps."I answered. Wendy nod her head and lead us to gramps office. I put Lucy with Wendy so that she can heal her and I told everything that happen to Gramps. He listen with astonishment. "Looks like she's a blue flame dragon slayer..." Gramps pointed out."Flame?But before she use the magic, it was cold air that surrounded her."I replied. "Blue flame doesn't had to be hot. Blue flame dragon was very very rare. Which is why it is only a legend, but from what you have told me, I can pretty much conclude that the power is indeed from the dragon. The power is able to freeze pr burn someone or something. Blue flame dragon slayer is also able to heal himself or herself and their fellow friends."Gramps explained. "Practically extremely overpowered when they mastered their magic," he added.

I nodded and went to look at Lucy. She looks better. "Natsu...What did master said?" She asked. I explained everything to her and that makes her a little more relief. "But Natsu,I wasn't train by a dragon. I didn't even meet one."She asked. I don't know what to answer.

"Then you'll have to look at your family background. "Gramps came into the room. "You can be a dragon's daughter. "He added and that makes both Lucy and I stunned. "Impossible "Lucy whispered. I nodded. Gramps didn't add further but let Lucy rest. I went out of her room and saw Lisanna. "Natsu..."she mumbled. "Lisanna, I'm tired. Talk to you tomorrow okay?"I replied. "Let's go Happy" I shouted. Though there is still a lot of mysteries still hanging, I can't believe Lucy is now a dragon slayer just like me!

The Blue Flame Dragon Slayer!

--Lucy P.O.V--

I woke up by my annoying alarm clock.I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I screamed....When I saw myself in the mirror. It wasn't a dream. It's real! My blonde hair was gone. It turn crystal blue. "Lucy!!" Natsu screamed. I guess,he broke into my house,again. I picked up a random towel and put it around me. I open the door and saw Natsu sigh in relief. "That hair looks good on you" Happy said. I look at it again. All blue. I blushed,Natsu blushed too. "So....All I can do now is to accept my new power?" I asked. "I guess... Gramps is trying to look at your family background. "Natsu answered. I nodded.

I thought everything is going to end as soon as I found out the answer,the truth.

But I never know

That it's going to be a beginning

of the end.

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