good times

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Yamaguchi went to change so he could go over to Tsukki's house, Yamaguchi's house never felt like home but Tsukki's did and Tsukki knew that so that's why he tells him to go over to his house almost everyday.

Yamaguchi grabbed his bag and phone and ran out of his room but than Tsukki caught his eye from the window, his fingertips stopped holding his bag and lowered his hand to look at Tsukki with a smile on his face 'one day we will be together' he thought to himself. Yamaguchi got out and turned around so he could face Tsukki's house and began to walk "Are you ready to have fun?" Tsukki asked him recieving a nod from him and entered the house. "Yama's over, mom" Tsukki told his mom "Yamaguchi!" his mom came to hug Yamaguchi "Okay that's enough me and Yamaguchi have a lot to do" Tsukki argued grabbing Yamaguchi's hand pulling him away from his mom "by-" Yamaguchi waved but getting pulled into Tsukki's room "Finally we can start, I have been waiting for this all day" Tsukki said jumping on his chair luckily not falling "Hey! you did it, you didn't fall off your chair like you used to" Yamaguchi said surprised remembering when they were kids and Yamaguchi would impress Tsukki by jumping on his chair but everytime Tsukki did it he ends up falling. "Well I practiced" Tsukki smirked proud his hands behind his neck.

Tsukki's idea was to use the same colours as they did when they did that drawing, Yamaguchi thought that was a good idea until Tsukki pulled out one paper instead of two "And we will be drawing it together!" he smiled showing his teeth and closing his eyes, Yamaguchi panicked and awkwardly smiled "yay".

They spent the whole day drawing, they got distracted a few times but they finished it and went to show it to Tsukki's mom "We recreated the drawing that we made when we were younger" Tsukki smiled handing it to her "I see you improved very well, this is so well drawn" she said surprised "Would you like to sleep over?, it's quite late" she offered Yamaguchi "Sure my mom wouldn't mind" he smiled, Tsukki didn't show emotion and walked into his bedroom with Yamaguchi, when Yamaguchi was going to say something Tsukki jumped on him with a smile on his face "It's been ten years since we first met!" making Yamaguchi smile and hug him.


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