cross (2) and a new home

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~(cross' POV)~

Ink told me about two people I should avoid. Error and nightmare. This person is definitely one of the people he told me to stay away from. Why does he want me of all people to join him? I failed.

" name is cross. Ink told me about you, he said to stay away from you."

~(nightmare's POV)~

"of course he told you that.... no need to fear, i wont hurt you." sometimes i wonder why ink even bothers warning them...

"why would i trust you?!" he says fearfully. i don't know how to respond.

"i cant make you trust me, but whether you believe me or not i wont hurt you." 

~(cross' POV)~

'he seems..... nice...? but why?! is he just trying to use me?' 

'you know, you should take his word. its not like we have anything to loose.'

'..... ok'

he's waiting so patiently. he doesn't look cruel at all. why did i even take ink's word for it? he left us!

"i... trust you." i say hesitantly. he smiled. not an evil smile, more like he was relieved and happy?

"i'm glad. would you like to get out of this dump? you can stay at my castle if you want. if it wouldn't be too much trouble i need help spreading negativity. my brother, dream, is spreading too much positivity and is slowly ruining the balance. you don't have to help but it would be greatly appreciated."

i can't believe it. he's being so nice... and he's not even forcing me to do anything. i can feel myself tear up. "i-i'll help! you're being so nice it would be rude not to!"

he looked surprised, but it quickly turned into a friendly grin. "alright then lets go!"

he made a portal and guided me through it. we stepped through the portal i can't help but be amazed. the place is huge! i can' believe i'm staying here! i hear nightmare giggle to himself.

"what's so funny?"

"its just... been a while since someone has been happy around me. (besides error)"

i didn't even realize how lonely he must be... he's so kind it's hard to believe. i mean he does have a bad rep so i guess it makes sense...

"here, i'll show you around!" 

we walked through the massive palace and he showed me my new room. the whole place was completely empty besides nightmare's occasional items laying around.

"i can't even to begin to thank you! i just- this is amazing!"

"really its no problem! hey, do you happen to know any others who would like to stay here?"

"im sorry i don't, but ill help look if you want!"

"that would be greatly appreciated!"


here is a new chapter! finally. anyway sorry again for how long its taking me to update. please leave your head cannons in the comments for a chance of them being in this story! have a good day/night!!! <3

(word count 494)

The story of a destroyer that will never get told (on hold/slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now