Someone new and a lullaby

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*swear warning aGaIn*

Also most chapters will have a little swearing so imma stop putting swear warnings on stuff


(Error's POV)~

It's been a year since I started destroying. The voices are meaner. I wish I had time to heal, ink doesn't stop. I felt a pain in my soul, 'I wonder what depressing au you made this time'

I stood up and made a portal. *sigh* "wHen WiLl tHIs eNd?" I walked through, 'huh... it's a genocide route, makes my job easier.... I guess...'

I quickly destroy the copy of HELP!tale. Since there wasn't a lot of people it only took about an hour. I finally finished and made a portal back to the anti-void. 'I wonder what would happen if I just walked into an au... would ink come?'

'Are you dumb?? Of corse ink would come! And you don't deserve a break!'

'But Ink isn't creating right now, so... maybe...?'

I pull up a screen with names of aus, '....dreamtale? That seems interesting..... and there is only one. Maybe it's because it's a darker au? Or maybe it's important.' I realized a while ago ink doesn't make as many copies of darker aus.

'You should go, and it's not like you could die.'

'I still think it's a bad idea, knowing the moron he'd probably mess up the entire fucking au'

"Eh MiGhT asWeLL, i ShOulD cHeCk tHe cODeS fIrsT To sEE wHAt I'm deaLing wItH" I open up another screen to look at the codes in more detail. 'The backstory is interesting, I can see why there is only one of them. If there were multiple the balance of positivity and negativity would be destroyed'

I went to the au and the first thing I saw was some person dressed in purple with a little bit of black goop on them. They were silently crying on the floor, 'I should go help them....'

I slowly walk over to the person, hoping I don't scare them. "A-arE yOu oK?" I asked with worry lacing my voice. Their head shot up and they started backing away from me. "W-who are you??! Please d-don't hurt me!"

"ItS ok I wOnT hUrT yOu. If YoU dOn'T miND mE aSKing.... wHat HaPPened?" The stranger started sobbing. 'Did I do something wrong?' "I-I messed up... really bad" I sat next to them, "dO yOu WanT tO tAlK aBouT it?"

He started to explain what happened in his au, he was bullied just for being the guardian of negativity. He finally snapped and ate one of the apples he worked so hard to protect. I felt terrible for him. He had to go through so much and his brother didn't even help him. He told me he is in his passive form but he's supposed to be completely covered in goop and he turns to this when he's emotional.

"Oh, I forgot to ask... what's your name? And are you ok, you look like your hurt and your covered in scars." I froze, if he knew who I was he would call ink. I told him anyway, "m-My naMe Is eRrOr, aNd YeaH IM oK... wHatS yOur NaME?"

"My name is nightmare." I like that name. Unfortunately I felt a small pain in my soul, ink made another au. "i sHoULd gEt gOiNg..." "wait!...your the destroyer right?" 'Oh shit' "y-YeAh... wHy?" I stuttered.

"Could you... help me spread negativity? When my brother left me he started spreading positivity and I can't keep up..." he said sadly. I was confused 'someone wants my help?'

The story of a destroyer that will never get told (on hold/slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now