Strings and finally somewhere new

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*Swear warning*

~(Error's POV)~

I don't know how long I've been trapped here. I miss my brothers, I know they didn't want to leave me. The voices told me why they left..... still, I still wish they were here. This white void  was more bearable when they were here. At least I still have someone to talk to. Most of the voices are cold and cruel. Although, a few are pretty nice. They tell me what it's like outside. They tell me how my brothers are doing. They told me my purpose. At first I denied it but, I know I have to... I can at least save one person. At any rate I should try...


The more hostile voices torture me. . . I don't know why or how. But they can somehow physically hurt me. If I'm lucky one of the kind voices will get involved and help. I wonder why they do this. Is it for their own entertainment? Or is it because of something greater? I don't think I'll find out anytime soon.


i CaN't TaKe It aNyMorE, I sTarT tO sCrEam AnD cRy AbOut HOw unFair iT wAs. The voices are silent. I wince and glitch rapidly as Error signs start covering my eyes. Im terrified, 'everything hurts! Why am I suffering??!? WHY AM I IN SO MUCH PAIN???!?!' I screech in pure anguish. I start to hyperventilate, its getting hard to breathe. I collapse onto the floor furthermore, curling into a small ball to try to lessen the pain. I sob louder and louder; I really am a crybaby. I claw my fingers deep into my skull and wrists. You could hear the sickening cracks as I dug deeper into the marrow. No one but the voices heard the blood curtailing screams that echoed through the white abyss.  "mAKE IT StOP!! PLEASE!!!!!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is it over? . . . why did it stop? I slowly start to uncurl myself. Bones creaking with every inch. My skull is pounding in my chest as I try to calm down. I take deep breaths and put my hand to my soul. The voices were still quiet. Why wont they help me? The nicer ones would have normally helped by now. . .I sit up, trying to figure out what just happened. I notice crimson blood trickle down my skull land on my black boney hand. I realized what I had done to myself. I have made a foolish mistake. One of the kinder voices spoke up.

'Hey error... you might want to check a mirror...'

'A mirror?'


They handed me a weird shiny round object. I saw a strange skeleton inside of it that looked like me. I haven't seen myself in a while but, I know I never had blue streaks running down my face. "iS. . . Is tHaT mE?"

' who else would it be shitface'

I stroke my hand down my face. I glance at my hand and noticed blue threads that had snaked around my multi-colored fingers. I start to panic again, "aAaAhHH WHATS On MY HAND????!?"

'Oh my stars. They are just strings, that's IT. So shut the fuck up and stop freaking out!"

'O-oh' . . . wait, just strings? From what I remember about magic that isn't normal. I pull the thread farther. 'I wonder what I could do with these'.  I stare blankly at them for a few minutes. I got an idea! 'They were grabbing onto my fingers before, so what if I. . .'  I shoot them up at the 'celling'. 'Ha! just as I thought!' The blue threads stayed off of the 'floor'. 'I wonder if I got any other new magic.' After I tinkered around a bit, I discovered I could use much more than just strings. I could open code and one way portals, summon bones and weird blaster things, lastly I could change the color of my strings. It did take more effort to change the color so, I'll probably stick with blue for the most part.

The story of a destroyer that will never get told (on hold/slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now