Message to a deceased friend

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Sir, it's almost been a year since you left us. It's been a heart-wrenching year. Yunno, there is no single day that I don't remember you. You never leave my mind and my heart. I always think of you asking the Big Guy up there, why did he let it happen? You were too young for Him to take you away from your loved ones. But then everything happens for a reason. I know you are doing good wherever you are right now.

I wanna send my gratitude to you for granting my wish. Thanks very much because you let me dreamt about you months ago. Just once, I want numerous times. Gosh, I really missed you! It isn't easy to forget a man like you. Even if we hadn't talked that much when you were still alive but knowing I had you as my dear friend is a great honor. I reminisce all the memories we had. Yunno, it's just a handful of memories not too many unlike the people who are close to you. They were able to spend lots of time with you. I'm grateful still! ^.~

I really wish that I could go to Singapore and work there as you advised two years ago. I wish we had pictures together. I wish I was able to see you before you left us forever. :'(

See you again soon! Very soon! ♥ :*

Yuchae Moon
December 18, 2015

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