Changing yourself

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Within a room a young man was currently screaming and biting down on a piece of wood almost cracking it entirely, tanjiro was preforming surgery on himself and it was painful

He had to cut open his own skull to deliver a vial of liquid to remove muzan's curse from him, the reason why he had to do it was because part of the change was due to removing muzan's influence from the brain

The next part was easier as tanjiro had to drink a formula and inject it in him which was made by tamayo to remove muzan's influence in his blood stream and body, the hard part was injecting the formula in his brain

Tanjiro had a mirror hanging over his head so he could see where to accurately inject the formula in parts of his brain and use the right dosage so the change could work properly

Tanjiro cursed himself as he wished their was some painkillers to relieve him of the pain but mostly everything was destroyed by muzan, he bit down feeling the needle pierced his brain and inject the formula in his brain

Tanjiro also had to the challenge of preventing his regeneration from healing. He was told by kokushibou that demons can stop their regeneration but didn't as many wanted to live

Then looking at the piece of paper reading the piece of paper showing that he was done, sighing in relief he removed the syringe and let his regeneration kick in

Then he felt dizzy and his vision got blurry

"Looks like it's already taking affect...."

When a demon looses connection to muzan it was like a bee loosing connection to the queen bee and making them confused, tanjiro then looked at the piece of the paper next telling him to inject the formula in his vein

Doing it quickly he got more dizzy and looked around confused on where he was then and losing his memory for a bit then remembering

"Right......confusion, dizziness, tiredness and brief lost of memory.......I need to rest......"

Then laying down falling asleep for two hours

With the demon slayers

Shinobu sat quietly in her room, her room was dark and quiet as she looked at the floor. She had been a mess ever since tanjiro's death and his sudden betrayal

To think someone who she loved had betrayed not just her trust but the entire organizations, she couldn't tell if tanjiro was just playing along or was genuine about his comments and acts towards her

To shinobu they felt real but in the back of her mind she felt as though he was trying to get her trust and eventually kill her like the rest of the pillars, taking a deep breath she stood up

She needed to be a hashira and one in this time of need especially being a doctor. Putting on a smile Shinobu walked out her room to the infirmary to see if anyone needed her help

She entered the room to see nobody. Good, nobody got hurt she thought before walking down the hallway's into the garden, Shinobu then stood outside near the porch to see it was a bright sunny day out with the sun making the garden look bright and majestic despite being a bad month for everyone

Shinobu's eyes soften looking at the garden which her dear sister had made before her untimely death, she stood there quietly thinking about the bright sides of things

She thought of kanao and aoi as well as the rest of the pillars who were still alive, humming at the positive thought Shinobu heard familiar flapping abs turned her head to the clouds

Her crow flew down and hovered in front of her

"Caw! Caw! People have gone missing in a city! A demon has been sighted!"

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