At Home

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Huey pov
So, me and riely got home and grandad waz watchin somethin we shouldnt see. "Where the heck yall was at?! I been worried" grandad said as he quickly switched the channel. "We were just at a friends house." I said. "Aww fvck, i gotta text anjelika!" Riely said  "oh, just a friend ive had since third grade." *riely runs upstairs*

In reezy (riely) room...

The text measages

_*Angel*_: Hayy reezy
_Reezy: Hay bay what u up too
_*Angel*_: Nun much thinking bout u
_Reezy: Me too
_*Angel*_: Well i gtg cuz we got school tomorrow so bye
_Reezy: Wait, wat school u go to?
_*Angel*_: Wakley jr high
_Reezy: Well see u ma bye luv u
_*Angel*_: Bye bae
_Reezy: Bye bae kiss me thru the phone
_*Angel*_: *kisses*

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