At School

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Shanisha pov
So, we got to the school and me and angel was walking down the hall side by side. I know we got cake but damn, all them boys staring us down and we already got boys. So, me huey, cindy, riely, and anjelika had homeroom together. We had a teacher nd her name was ms clark. She was medium size, long thick hair like mine, and she was very skinny. "So, today class we have 2 new students. Would yall like to introduce?" She said. "Well, my name is shanisha, i am 14 years old and i like to sing and i can dance." I said. "Im anjelika, yall can call me angel but anyways im 14 and me and shanisha are puerto rican and black and no we not twins, i just live with her cuz my mom died, and she my homegirl and i like to rap and im a g. And no dont ask me how my mom died cuz do my face lok like i wanna talk bout it?" Anjelika said. "So, shani ur hair looks like mine" this annoying girl with pink hair said. Obviously, he didnt hear me say i dont want to be called tht. I just ignored and took my seat. "Ok class, anyone no what..... (blah blah blah)" i was so buried into reading about angela davis that i didnt even hear her. "Soo, u like angela davis and civil rights?" Huey asked me. "Yeah." I said. "Wow, we got alot in common." He said and blushed which made him look sexy asf. Aww...

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