Chapter 2: What's The Damage?

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"Well, Ms. Smith, it looks like you get to fly the coop today!" Sasha, your regular morning nurse announced as she walked in.

"Yay!" You laughed.

"No Dean this morning?" She asked, unable to hide the knowing grin on her face.

"Sasha," You scolded half-heartedly. "We barely know each other besides the fact that he saved my life."

"But he saved your life, Y/N!" She gushed. "And he's a cutie! Seems to be smitten with you, too."

"He is not." You rolled your eyes. "We're barely even friends at this point, and he's going to let me crash at his place, on a separate floor until my car is fixed."

"Fine, party pooper." She scrunched her nose. "Be that way. I'm just tryin' to play Cupid is all."

"Yeah, I picked up on that when you gave me two spoons for the pudding you brought with my lunch yesterday." You chuckled.

"What are you two giggling about?" Dean asked, his voice appearing in the room before he did.

"Just how I'm going to have to try to get up the stairs without being able to bend my leg," You lied quickly before Sasha could intervene.

He let out a laugh. "Don't worry. I'll help you." He shot you a wink.

You shot a say nothing look at Sasha. She looked like she was about to burst with how red her cheeks were and how big she was smiling. You could tell she was just itching to set you up with Dean. She was right. He was a cutie, and charming as all Hell. But you weren't looking for anything here. You just wanted to get your car fixed and keep on moving. You thought maybe if you could make it to the west coast, you could hop on a cruise ship for cheap and jump off on one of the excursions, never to be found again. That would be ideal, and you couldn't let anyone risk that by slowing you down. If you stayed here too long, he might find you and hurt those closest to you. You weren't going to let that happen.

"Alright. I'll hand over the paperwork for you to fill out." She handed you each a folder. "Dean, that's just for the rehab nurse. They need to know where to go and a few other details for when they come work with her on strengthening that leg again."

"Yes, Ma'am." Dean nodded, flipping open his paper and getting to work.

You did the same, and in about an hour, Sasha was loading you into a wheelchair to bring you out to the front where Dean was waiting with his car. You waved at a few of your other nurses and your doctor on the way out, thanking them again for saving you.

"Girl," Sasha whispered as the two of you glided down the floors on the elevator. "If you don't at least kiss that boy, you're gonna regret it. I know you said you aren't looking for anything out here, but one kiss doesn't mean anything if you don't want it to."

You started to protest, but she cut you off.

"I'm just sayin' one kiss doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to."

"Sasha!" You gasped.

"Hey, I'm a happily married lady livin' vicariously through other single ladies." She winked down at you.

The elevator dinged, signalling your arrival on the lobby floor. She wheeled you down the hall, past the reception desk, and out the automatic double doors. As you adjusted your eyes to the shift between the fluorescents and natural light, you got your first good look at Dean's car. The car that saved you. It. Was. BEAUTIFUL!

A sleek, black Chevy Impala, you guessed it was from the 60's based on the look. It was detailed with chrome that sparkled in the sunlight, and it looked as if it had just been washed. Her owner stepped out and walked over to you, grabbing your hand to help you out of the chair. Standing was still difficult for you. Especially from so low down with a leg that didn't bend whatsoever. Dean and Sasha helped you over to the open car door and lowered you gently inside. The tan leather interior was softer than it looked, hugging your back and legs in your seat. You were so used to the hospital bed that you had forgotten what true comfort felt like. You looked around and it was clear to tell that Dean loved this car. Her engine purred so smoothly while she idled in place and her interior was just as spotless as her exterior.

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