Chapter 6: Change of Plans

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Dean's Pov

I woke up the next morning and rushed to get ready. Shit, shower, shave, the whole works. As I whirled around my apartment like a tornado in Missouri, I could feel my nerves building. I was going to tell Y/N I loved her...TODAY. I was about to head out the door and climb the stairs, look her in the eyes, and let it all out. I was inches from stepping out my door when my phone rang. I looked down, furrowing my brow in frustration. I had to answer this.

"Hey Dad, how's it going?" I asked.

"Hey Dean-o!" Dad's raspy voice came through the other end. "I'm feeling pretty good for a man who's about to be married in less than three days!"

Three days?! I glanced at the calendar. Shit! This Friday was Dad's wedding! Which meant, I had a speech to write, a suit to pick up, and no work on Friday.

"That's right," I said with a smile. "Anything you need from me?"

"Kate just wanted me to remind you that you need to be here with your brother by 10:00am sharp on Friday."

"Sounds good." I nodded. "Hey, Dad. Do I still have a plus one?"

"Yeah?" He questioned. "Why? You got a pretty little lady you want to bring with to meet your family?"

"Yeah, actually I do." I couldn't help but smile. "I gotta ask her first."

"Well grow a pair and go get her, Son. I'll see you Friday."

"See you Friday." I clicked the red button and tucked my phone back in my pocket.

"Dean?!" Y/N called, bringing me back to the task at hand.

I practically skipped into the entryway. "Yeah, Tiger?"

"What happened to my door?" She asked, her expression shocked.

"I um..." I shoved my hands in my pockets. "I may have kicked it open when you were having your nightmare last night."

Her cheeks flushed bright red. "Oh...I see. Thanks for that again."

"Anytime, Beautiful." I smiled brightly up at her, ascending the stairs and not taking my eyes off her for a second.

She got even more red, looking so adorable it almost hurt. "So...Is it fixable?"

I laughed and bounded up the stairs, examining the crack in the door. "I think I can fix it up after work."

"Okay." She nodded.

I looked down into her kind eyes, tempted to pull her in and plant one on her, but I resisted. "Hey," I said softly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." She breathed.

"Remember my dad's wedding that I told you about?"

She nodded slowly.

"Will you be my date this Friday?" I asked before I could chicken out.

She looked stunned. "What about Rose?"

I opened my mouth, about to tell her the truth, but then I got a better idea. I'd tell her at Dad's wedding. Pull her close as a slow song played and confess my feelings while I twirled her around the floor. The lights would shine on her beautiful face, and I couldn't imagine a better way to finally let her know I loved her.

"Earth to Dean." She snapped her fingers, bringing me back to the moment.

"Ehem." I cleared my throat. "It's too soon to introduce her to the family. Sammy and Jess have already met you, and they've been asking to see you again."

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