Chapter 7: Wedding Bells

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Two more days went by, and things seemed to be getting better with Dean. Like Rose and all the drama that had followed with her presence had left just when she did. You didn't fight, didn't hide from each other, didn't refuse to speak about your problems. Actually, it was quite the opposite. Rather than leaning away from each other, you began to come even closer together than before. Dean would be up and ready right away in the mornings, helping you make breakfast and escorting me to work. You'd sneak out of the office for a bit in the middle of the day to drop by Martha's and grab him one of her famous Bear Claws that he loved so much. You'd stay up late watching movies, and he'd let you lay your head in his lap while he stroked your hair.

It was definitely strange, but you weren't about to question it and ruin a good thing. You also refused to read too much into it. You couldn't let yourself get your hopes up only to have them dashed again. No. You were still planning on leaving Lawrence as soon as the car was ready. Thanks to Willie, you knew the car would be ready the day after the wedding. So this weekend would be your last with Dean, and you wanted to leave it on a high note. This wedding would be your last hurrah before you went back on the run.

"I'm just around the corner!" Jess' smile was clear through the phone as we chatted on the day of the wedding.

"Girl, you're going to, be floored when you see this whole look!" You twirled in the mirror one last time, then scooped up your little silver clutch purse and silver heels before bounding down the stairs.

"If I'm going to be floored, I think you'll give Dean a stroke!" She joked with a mischievous chuckle.

"Hopefully not! I don't wanna kill him!" You pushed yourself out of the door, making sure it was locked before pulling it shut.

Dean had left early this morning to pick up Sam, get ready and take pictures with the wedding party. That left you and Jess to carpool, which neither of you protested, enjoying each other's company. After the wedding, Sam and Jess, and you and Dean would all drive back to your separate homes.

As you looked up from locking the door, you saw Jess' little silver car barrelling down the road. The tires squealed as she peeled into the driveway, leaving black rubber marks on the concrete. Dean would be irritated about that for sure, but you knew he'd just clean it up, never saying anything about it. He was too nice for that.

"You and your lead foot," You teased as you climbed inside. "You're lucky you don't kill anyone."

"I may be fast, but I'm vigilant." She backed down the driveway and sped off once more toward the church.

"Mmhm, suuuuurree," You drew the word out sarcastically. "Like how we were supposed to take a right back there?"


You pulled into the church parking lot with just five minutes to spare before the ceremony.

"Cutting it close, ladies!" You heard Sam yell as the two of you bolted for the front door.

You tossed a look over your shoulder and found Sam, but you couldn't see Dean anywhere. You shrugged it off and followed Jess into the church, directly to the front row for immediate family like Sam and Dean had instructed. Just as you got seated, you threw another glance over your shoulder and made direct eye contact with the best man himself. He shot you a wink, not seeing more than your face in the sea of people, and he continued walking on - you assumed - to join the party as they lined up.

The music started, and Jess shifted excitedly in her seat. "Here we go!"

You both turned and watched as a tall, tan skinned man with dark black hair and a well trimmed goatee walked down the aisle. Based on the strong jawline and the warm hazel eyes, you could make an educated guess that this was John, Dean's father. As he took his place at the altar, Dean started walking down the aisle with an older woman clad in a mint green dress on his arm. Perhaps a friend of Kates? As the pair reached the end of the aisle, they split and Dean stepped up to his father, wrapping him in a big hug as Sam and his bridesmaid began to make their way down. Sam stepped up and took Dean's place in John's embrace, and when they were finished, they took their place next to John. That was when Dean's eyes finally landed on you.

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