You Could've Got Caught.

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Roman Reigns is the teacher, and is secretly dating his student Dean Ambrose. One Day Dean tells his teachers that he's leaving school early because he's sick but he really goes into Romans room. Roman and him are kissing when the bell rings, but Dean can't leave or the other teachers will catch him, so he hides under his boyfriends desk. Once Roman sits down Dean gets really bored, and ends up giving the Roman a blowjob.

Dean Ambrose sat in science class tapping his pencil on the desk, his eyes glued to the clock above the door. All he wanted to do is go to his boyfriend's house, so they could snog, and cuddle for the rest of the day. Not sit here in this damn class and listen to a bunch of bullshit he'll never use in the real world. Dean groaned softly, rolling his eyes as the clock seemed to tick, slower and slower. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to get out of this stinking damn classroom. Suddenly an idea popped into his head, and a smirk grew on his cheeks. Slowly he got up from his desk, walking to the front of the room.

"Ms. Jacobs, I think I'm going to sign myself out for the day. I'm feeling a bit ill." Dean said softly, holding his stomach as if it hurt, his face holding a 'sick' expression. Ms. Jacobs shook her head softly, patting his shoulder. "Oh well I hope you feel better Mr. Ambrose. I'll message the other teachers and tell them where you've gone." She whispered softly. Dean smiled politely, thanking the Lord above for having a nice old lady teacher.

He walked out of the class a smirk playing on his cheeks, as he made it to his locker. He most definitely was /not/ going home, he was going to go pay his boyfriend a visit. Dean went to his locker shoving all of his things in it, before making his way to his boyfriends classroom. Oh did he mention that his boyfriend just happened to be Mr. Reigns, the Literature teacher? He walked to the classroom slowly, slipping inside the room, he knew that this was Roman's free period so he didn't have to be sneaky.

Dean let a smile grow on his cheeks as he looked over to Roman, his boyfriends back was to him, his blue eyes buried in the computer. Dean walked up behind him quietly, putting his lips next to Romans ear. "Hey, sexy." He whispered, chuckling, as his boyfriend jumped and turned around quickly.

"Shit babe, don't scare me like that." Roman breathed out, holding his hand over his heart. He laughed quietly sitting down on Romans lap. "Sorry baby, I just had to come see you. I missed you a lot." He said softly, before attaching their lips together.

Roman rested his hands on the small of Deans back, their lips moving together gently, neither one of them wanting to pull apart. They kissed deeply, until the annoying arse bell finally made them break apart. Dean's eyes widened, as he looked at Roman. "Babe, what am I going to do? If the teachers see me they'll know, that I was lieing about being ill." He whispered frantically, the sound of footsteps already sounding throughout the hall, making his heart race. Roman looked at Dean, biting his lip. He couldn't let his boyfriend get into trouble, and they sure as hell could not get caught. The Samoan got up slowly, pulling out his chair he was just previously sitting on, motioning over his boyfriend to get under the desk. Sure it wasn't the best hiding place, but it would have to do for now.

Dean was hesitant at first, but was soon crawling under the desk when the footsteps in the hallways got closer and closer. Only moments later the class was being filled with students, as they took their seats. Roman would be lying if he said that he wasn't nervous, with his boyfriend currently hiding under his desk. The samoan greeted his class as they came in and immediately went to work, writing out notes on the board. "Alright class, write these notes down and tell me if you have any questions." He called out to the class. Roman walked over to his desk, pulling out his chair before sitting down, feeling Dean immediately rest his head on his thighs.

Dean had become a bit bored under the desk, he could only sit in one place for so long before he starts to get fidgety. And sitting under a desk, for what feels like hours, was making him very fidgety. There's nothing to do under a cramped desk, where he doesn't even have enough room to spread out his legs. So of course right when he felt his boyfriends legs, he was immediately resting his head on them, and playing with a small string hanging off hem of his trousers. Roman bit down on his lip, feeling Dean's hand dangerously close to his crotch, he sucked in a small breath, using all his will power not to get hard. Though obviously it didn't work.

Dean smirked softly when his hand brushed over Roman's cock, feeling how it was slightly hard under the confinements of his trousers. The ohioan moved his hand, unbuttoning them slowly. "Ugh, Mr. Reigns, do we have to write this down word for word?" Dean heard someone asked, and immediately he was using this as his opportunity to unzip Romans trousers.

Roman sucked in a small breath, lifting up his hips slowly when he felt Dean start to pull down his trousers. "Just use what you think will help you on the test, that you'll have next Friday." Roman called out, covering up the sound of his cock hitting his stomach with a cough, when Dean pulled down his boxers. Roman could easily move his hand under the table and motion for the ohioan to a stop, but he knows his boyfriend and he would end up letting out a huff or whine, alerting the other students in the class that there was, indeed, someone under his desk. Well not just anyone, his boyfriend and student.

Dean took Roman's cock in his hand, tugging him slowly with a small smirk on his face. He knew this was risky, really risky, but he didn't really care either. He hasn't ever went all the way with Roman, since the Samoan was nice enough to wait until he knew that he was ready. They've obviously given each other hand and blow jobs, but they haven't went further than that. He pumped his boyfriends large samoan cock, a smug look on his face. He knew this could possibly have a horrible outcome, but he also knew it could have a really good one.

Roman was perfectly fine, well as fine as any bloke would be in his situation, he would let out a small quick breath every once in a while but other than that. He was playing it off discretely. Well that was until he felt Dean taking his cock in his warm mouth.. The ohioan knew that his boyfriend was probably feeling smug right now, so he wanted to wipe that look off Roman's face.

Dean lowered his head down on that samoan cock, taking it in all the way until it hit the back of his throat. He didn't even wait for Roman to take it all in on what was happening, he just immediately started bobbing his head. He flattened his tongue over his boyfriends slit and twirled around it around his tip.

Roman moved his hand under the desk and gripped Dean's hair tightly as he tried to push him down further. He was trying his absolutely hardest not to moan, but when your boyfriend is deep throating you under the desk, it's kind of hard not to moan. "Mr. Reigns, could you come and help me?" One of the slutty girls asked, she was one of many girls at this school that wanted to jump on his cock. "Ms. Marten, just copy the notes." He said huskily, his hand still on the back of Dean's head the whole time. He found it kind of funny, his boyfriend sucking him off while he was talking to his students.

Finally Roman felt a pit in his stomach, and the only thing he could do as a warning as tug harder on Dean's hair. Under the table Dean took his warning and just started bobbing his head quickly, keeping back all his gagging noises. He licked along the prominent vein on his boyfriends cock. Then he felt it, Roman went stiff, his muscles flexed and his mouth was being filled with warm cum. The ohioan swallowed down all the cum, a small quiet moan of content leaving his lips, while his boyfriend was left to pant silently.

The bell rang soon after and all the students left quickly, leaving the room empty. Roman scooted his chair back and pulled Dean up. "What the fuck were you thinking? You could've got caught." He whisper yelled, though they both knew that he wasn't really mad. "Oh c'mon baby, don't act like you didn't love it, because that load you let out into my mouth. Says otherwise." Dean smirked as he tugged his boyfriends now soft member back into his trousers.

Roman blushing pulling Dean in for a passionate kiss, only pulling away when the ohioan started to speak. "You know what? I think I'm going to be ill everyday."

Author's note.

So so sorry for the wait, my life has been kind of hectic lately, but anyways here it is. Sorry for the shit ending, please vote and comment. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE PICTURE ON THE TOP OF EVERY AMBREIGNS ONE-SHOT. THEY GO TOGETHER.

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