Ambrolleigns ~ We Need To Help Jon.

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(I got a prompt from one of my amazing readers, and I'm absolutely in love with this prompt. Here is the prompt I was sent word-for-word. please make me a The Shield (BoyxBoy) One Shot where evolution kidnapped Dean and they turns out to be gay and rapes him many times Seth and Roman Recuses him and they realises they have feelings for ich other and have rough sex.)

Jon Moxley was walking down the hall of the, massive arena he's currently in. His eyes scaned over everything, words couldn't explain how much he loved his job. This is all he ever dreamt of doing, so now that it's finally happening he can't get enough of it.

To Jon the best thing about this 'job' is that, he gets to do it with his now bestfriends. Don't get it mixed up though, he doesn't want Colby and Joe to be his bestfriends. He wants both of them to be so much more.

Yes, this may sound extremely selfish but, he wants both of his friends. He wants to feel their hands all over his body, Jon was pulled out of his thoughts when three different sets of hands were place on his body. The blue eyed man, screamed into the hand that was covering his mouth. He was pulled into a office that he now recognized as Hunter's.

Jon let his eyes scan over the men in front of him. Dave, Hunter, and Randall, A.K.A Evolution. Panic rose in his stomach, this isn't about WWE and this situation has bad written all over it. The curly haired man, doesn't like the look in these mens eyes. "What the hell are you doing Dave? Let me go". Jon said struggling, wiggling his arms around trying to kick free, only to be stopped by a stinging slap on his cheek.

He looked up growling in anger, did Hunter really just slap him? Randall and Hunter approached Jon, running their hands over the quivering mans body. It was only then that he noticed, Dave and his chest flush against his back. Jon doesn't like where this is going, he doesn't like it at all.

The blue eyed man opened his mouth to scream, only to be stopped by a swift knee in the stomach, making him groan in pain. "Don't even think about screaming. We're all getting a piece of this sweet ass whether you like it or not". Dave whispered 'seductively' in Jon's ear.

Jon could feel his stomach plummet to his feet. No this has to be a joke. He doesn't want this, yeah sure he likes guys but not these guys. The only people Jon wants to be with in a sexual way is Colby, and Joe.

He tried and tried to kick and squirm but it didn't work. His clothes were being thrown acrossed the room by Hunter and Randall, while is mouth was being covered by Dave's hand. Jon could feel the hot breath on his cheek, and it definitely didn't feel good. The pit in his stomach was starting to feel like a black hole, that he was about to sink into.

"I've always want to kiss and suck on these damn dimples". Dave said removing his hand from the whimpering boys mouth, attaching his lips to Jon's cheek kissing the skin roughly. The curly headed man was suddenly pushed to the ground cracking his head off the concret floor.

Jon screamed out in pain, a ringing sound filling his ears, and his vision becoming blurry. The room started to spin, and all he could see were three large men surrounding him. An idea shot through Jon's mind, Colby, and Joe can help right?

"Joe.. Colby help. Help Me." Even though the screaming was hurting the blue eyed mans throat and head it was worth a shot right? The screaming earned Jon, a kick in the ribs by Randall. "Shut up you slut." That made the whimpering boys mouth shut immediately. That's what his cracked out heroin addict mother used to call him. (Jon's flash back will be in italics)

A 17 year old Jon walked through the front door of his house, only to find it to be a mess like usual. His mother stumbled in front of him drunk off her ass, and high as hell. "Well look the slut made it home. How many people did you fuck today?" She laughed loudly taking another swig of her beer.

"I-I di-". The 17 year old was cut off by a hand hitting his cheek. Although Jon could over power his mother any day, he just couldn't. "I don't want to hear your piss poor lies. Just go to your room and cut your self some more." She seethed walking away. So Jon ran up to his room and did exactly that.

Jon was pulled from his thoughts. He looked around the room, only to see Hunter putting on his last piece of clothing, and Randall doing the same. Dave on the other hand was taking his pants off. That's when Jon felt the burning in his bum and something running down his thigh... Hunter and Randall had raped him and now Dave is about to.

Dave pushed into the whimpering boy, electing a blood curling scream. "Please stop... Please it hurts." Jon cried finally letting his tears fall, which wasn't normal because Jon never cried in front of people. Ever.

"Oh shut the hell up. You'd think a slut like you would be used to getting fucked like this." Randall laughed. This isn't true, yes Jon is portrayed as a lunatic, that sleeps with every girl he meets on tv but he's actually the complete opposite. He's actually a huge sweet heart that likes to cuddle with his best friends Cobly and Joe. All Jon wanted to do was disappear, he wanted to tell Joe and Colby how he really felt and never show is face again.

This kind of thing just doesn't happen, to guys like him. Dave leaned down, sucking on Jons neck harshly. Jon was about to slip into unconsciousness, when the door swung open revealing a shocked Joe and Colby. The two men came into the room and started attacking Dave and Randall hitting them where ever they could. Joe pulled Dave off Jon, hitting the tattoed man over and over again.

This wasn't your normal, set up backstage fight like you see on Raw, and Smackdown. This was real and there's nothing staged about it. Although Jon wishes this was all just some script that he was following, it's not. This is real and he was just raped.

"Don't ever touch my fucking Jon again... I'm going to kill, I'll fucking kill you." Joe screamed until the Dave was unconscious on the floor. Colby walked over to Joe hurriedly, "Please Joe stop. We need to help Jon".


Part 2 maybe??? :D

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