Ambreigns ~ Kisses & Warm Cuddles.

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(A/N Please send me prompts/requests for any 'The Shield' BoyxBoy one shots. PLEASE)

Dean Ambrose sat on the bench backstage, watching his fellow Shield members fight team 'Hell No' for the tag team championship belts. The blue eyed man bounced his leg nervously, watching on as Seth curb stomped Danial Bryan, pinning him and 1.2.3. The bell rings and yes his brothers win.

Dean sprung up from his seat running out into the arena feeling his heart ping with pride as the crowd seemingly cheered louder when his presence was announced. He ran into the ring hugging Seth from behind, then he moved over to Roman pulling him into a ki- wait no not a kiss. Again with these feelings.

Dean hurridly moved his postion and pulled the samoan's head into his chest the height difference between them being the last of his worries. Dean pulled away holding up both his teammates hands, feeling tingles run through out hand that held Romans.

The Ohioans' mind was running wild when he mad it back to the locker room. He wasn't about to kiss Roman Reigns in front of all those people, was he? Yes, Dean could say he has a crush on the older man but what was he thinking, he could've ruined everything tonight. Dean shuddered at the thought of losing his best friend/love of his life and that alone made him want to curl into a ball, and never talk again. Dean has always liked the Samoan but he's never had the courage to tell him. Whenever he tried he froze up, and couldn't speak without stuttering, which made him realize that Roman, probably thought he was some moron. So needless to say Dean was scared for what he almost did tonight.

No one really tells you as a kid that when you're an adult, admitting you're in love will be quite hard.

Dean was pulled out of his thoughts, when someone tapped on his shoulder, it was Seth. "C'mon bro it's time to go back to the hotel." The two toned man said. Dean gathered up all his stuff, tearing off his shirt leaving him in only basketball shorts. He pushed all his clothes into his bag and made his way to the car that was waiting for him. The Ohioan gave his bag to the driver, to put in the trunk and slipped into the back seat, having no other option but to sit next to Roman.

Not that Dean cared about sitting next to the samoan, but he just wasn't sure how Roman felt after what happened in the ring tonight, because he's sure Roman knew that he was leaning into kiss him, tonight. The trip to the hotel was about a 40 minute drive, and lets face it Dean could barely keep his eyes open. The short haired boy had to keep jumping awake, because everytime he dozed off his head would land in Romans shoulder. Usually Dean wouldn't think twice about falling asleep on Roman, or even Seth. But after the almost kiss tonight, he wasn't sure what is and isn't allowed anymore. Seth on the other hand had fallen asleep about five minutes into the drive.

"Dean, just go to sleep. It's alright." Roman said quietly his soft, deep voice filling the silent car as he set his hand on Dean's bare thigh where his basketball shorts had slid up. Dean ignored the fire that was set off in his leg, not wanting to chance causing another awkward moment... or was the moment in the ring even awkward? Maybe he was just thinking about it too much.

Dean let out a small sigh and let his head fall on the older man's shoulder. Sure his heart was racing but that doesn't have to be brought up right now. Dean let his hand fall on Roman's that was still on his own thigh, and yeah. Roman is definitely a better pillow than any other ratty one in a hotel room.


Dean was pulled awake from his slumber, noticing instantly that he was in a bed now and not in a car. Suddenly the room was filled with the voice he has grown so fond of. "Dean. We need to talk." Maybe those words don't fall in the fond category.

Dean's heart stopped and surely fell to his ass. For once sleep sounded better than listening to Roman's voice. He sat up in the bed already mentally preparing himself to get bitched at. To get shut down and told that the feelings aren't mutual. This was it Roman was about to turn him down and most likely beat him up for being a 'faggot'.

That's partially why Dean got into wrestling. Every time he's ever made his sexuality known, he was beat up and made to feel bad for it. Somehow he thought wrestling would change that. And it did. Kind of? Or maybe he just stopped outing himself.

"Dean. What was up with you, tonight?" Roman said scratching his head his bottom lip drawn between his teeth and ohh how Dean wanted to kiss those beautiful cherry red lips. "Uhm, n-nothing." Great the stuttering is back... it's like his brain completely shuts down and bails on him.

"Dean, I know you were about to kiss me tonight." Roman said knowingly. Dean stayed glued to the bed still in his own mind, where he was stuck mentally preparing himself to be hit and yelled at. But that never happened. The words that came from Roman's mouth next shocked Dean, to the core.

"I just don't know why you stopped." Roman said moving to sit on the bed, taking Deans hand in his own larger ones. The younger man could hardly breathe he felt so shocked. Did Roman just?

"I-I didn't kn-know you wanted to k-kiss me". Dean stuttered out mentally slapping himself for being and sounding so stupid... He needed to make sure he was hearing Roman correctly, did the samoan really just admit to wanting to kiss him? "Dean, you don't have to be nervous. I like you back, maybe even have more feelings than that. I knew that you felt this way towards me, I just had to get my own feelings sorted out before I told you how I felt, and tonight helped me do that. Now that they are sorted, I just wanted to say. I love you... I love everything about you, and although it took me a little to admit it I know that how I feel is real. I love you, Jon Moxley." Roman said using Dean's real name towards the end of his tangent. Tears sprung to Dean's eyes and he hurriedly attached his lips to Roman's, not wanting to waste any time in getting what he's wanted for so many months. Maybe years. "You have no idea, how long I've waited to hear that... I love you so much." Dean said happily against the tan man's lips.

The rest of the night was full of lazy kisses and warm cuddles. "I love you so much, Roman." Dean said falling to sleep in his lovers arms.

"I love you too, babe". Roman said even though he knew the man couldn't hear him. Roman rested his head on Dean's falling into a blissful sleep, loving the feeling of having Dean in his arms.

This definitely was something they both could get used to.


I know it was short and that it had a sucky ending, but I'm extremly tired and I can barely keep my eyes open to write. PLEASE SEND ME PROMPTS/REQUESTS. I love you all. And I promise there will SMUT very very soon.

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