The test results!

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-After 1 hour of drawing smileys with Wanda and Natasha-
*Bruce walks into the room and takes Natasha and Wanda into another room*
Bruce: I have the results!
Wanda: okay!
Nat: tell us!
Bruce: well... Y/n's parents live here in New York! But they did some bad things before!
Bruce: they just came out of the prison for master criminals when they got Y/n!
Nat: it's not safe for her if we let her live there!
Bruce: there's one more thing!
Wanda: what?
Bruce: Y/n has a form of autism! That means that she can get scared of loud noises and much people in the same room!
Wanda: that's why she was scared of us when we met her!
Bruce: correct!
Nat: I'll ask Y/n what she thinks about staying here!
Wanda: I'll go get her some stuff for a room!
Nat: ok!
*Natasha walks back to you*
Nat: how is it going here?
Y/n: good!
*You smile to her*
*She goes sit on the chair next to you*
Nat: how do you think about staying here?
Y/n: I don't know!
Nat: would you like it?
Y/n: of course! Who would not like it here!
*Nat laughs a little*
Nat: your parents are not the best people to live with...
Y/n: what do you mean?
Nat: they hurt people! We don't want you to get hurt! So you need to stay here!
Y/n: why?
Nat: it's not safe at home!
*You look sad to the ground*
Nat: I know that you wanted to see your mom and dad again!
Y/n: I just miss them...
Nat: come here!
*She gives you a hug*
Y/n: I miss them...🥺
Nat: I know!
*You start to cry*
Nat: your safe here! We want to protect you!
Y/n: didn't my parents wanted to protect me?🥺
Nat: I don't know them but I'm sure that you will be better without them!
Y/n: I don't know...😭
*You start to cry harder*
*Natasha picks you up and you cry on her shoulder*
Nat: it's okay!
*She walks trough the room while your crying*
Y/n: I miss my mom!🥺😭
Nat: I know! I know!
Nat: your going to be happy!
Y/n: I don't know...🥺😭
*Wanda walks in the room while she sees you crying*
*She runs over to you and Natasha*
Wanda: what's wrong?
Nat: she misses her mom and dad!
Wanda: your going to feel better here! You don't need them!
Y/n: I Wanna see them!🥺😭
Wanda: you can't! I'm sorry! It's to dangerous!
Y/n: I miss them...🥺😭
*You start to cry so hard that Tony hears you so he storms into the room*
Tony: what's wrong?!
Wanda: she wants to see her mom and dad!
Tony: oh munchkin! You can't!
Y/n: I wanna see them!😭
Nat: you can't!
Y/n: why?🥺
Wanda: they would hurt you!
Y/n: why?
Nat: we don't know sweety!
Tony: do you want a lolly?
Y/n: yes please...🥺
Tony: come with me!
*he picks you up and goes to the kitchen with you*
Tony: you can chose one for you and one for me!
*You chose your favourite flavours*
Tony: I really like this flavour!
Y/n: they are my favourite!
Tony: now I understand why!
*Once your done with your lolly you start to get tired*
*Natasha sees that your getting tired*
Nat: are you tired?
Y/n: yes...
*Natasha takes you and brings you to her room*
*She lays you down on her bed and covers you up in a blanket*
Nat: do you want me to stay with you?
Y/n: yes please...
Nat: okay!
*She goes lay down next to you*
*You fall asleep with your head in her arms*

-2 hours later-
*You wake up*
Nat: are you awake?
Y/n: yes!
*You smile at her*
Nat: Lets go downstairs!
*She picks you up and brings you downstairs*
Wanda: did you sleep good?
Y/n: yes!
Nat: she slept for 2 hours!
Tony: do you wanna go to the park with me and Pepper?
Y/n: who's Pepper?
Tony: she's my wife!
*Tony picks you up and brings you to Pepper*
Pepper: hi!😁🥰
Pepper: I'm Pepper!
Y/n: hi Pepper! I'm Y/n!
Pepper: do you wanna go to the park?
Y/n: yes please!😁
*You smile to her*
Pepper: your smile is so cute!🥰
Tony: hop on my shoulders kiddo!
*he places you on his shoulders*
Y/n: this is high!
Tony: if you grow good you can be high as this!
Y/n: cool!
*Pepper laughs*

-At the park-
Pepper: look! It are little ducks!🥰
Y/n: cute!😁🥰
Tony: they are really little!
Pepper: I see a playground! Do you wanna go play?
Y/n: yes please!
Tony: okay!
*He runs to the playground with you*
Tony: do you wanna go on the swings?
Y/n: ooh! Yeah!
*He places you on a swing and pushes the swing*
Y/n: wee!😁
*You laugh*
Pepper: I'm going down the slide! Do you wanna come with me?
Y/n: yess!
*You run to Pepper and go down the slide with her*
Y/n: that was fun!

*After a few hours you guys go back to the tower*

-At the tower-
Wanda: how was it?
Pepper: I think she liked it!😉🥰
Tony: she fell asleep on the way home!
*He lays you on the couch*
Tony: she's pretty tired from everything!
Wanda: we wil see how she's going to be tomorrow!

-The next morning-
*You and Pepper are downstairs making pancakes for everyone*
Pepper: let's go serve the plates!
Y/n: okay!
*You put the plates on the table when everyone comes downstairs*
Nat: it smells so good in here!
Y/n: we made pancakes!😁
Pepper: she's really proud!
Nat: I see!😂
*They all go sit on a chair and eat the pancakes*
Tony: they are amazing!
Wanda: good job!
Y/n: thank you!
*You eat yours*

-After breakfast-
Nat: let's go put on fresh clothes!
*She takes you upstairs to her room*
Nat: do you like this dress?
Y/n: ooh! Yes!
Nat: let me help you!
*She helps you put on your dress*
Y/n: thank you!
Nat: your beautiful!
Nat: can I braid your hair?
Y/n: yes!
*She braids your hair*
Y/n: thank you!
Nat: no problem!
*You guys go back downstairs*
Wanda: who's the beautiful little girl?
Y/n: it's me! Y/n!😁
Wanda: now I see it!
*You smile at her*
Nat: do you wanna go shopping today?
Y/n: yes!😁
Wanda: okay!

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