A happy familly!

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Steve: we're back!
Pietro: and?
Nat: she needs to drink a little more!
Pietro: I will make sure she drinks enough!
Nat: we will all do that!🙂
Y/n: om tired!
Wanda: let's go upstairs!
*She takes you upstairs and lays you down on her bed*
*She covers you in a blanket and lays next to you*
Y/n: I have a question!
Wanda: I'm listening!
Y/n: when we met there where loud sounds! What was that?
Wanda: we were fighting against bad people! They wanted to rob the bank!
Y/n: but that's not allowed!
Wanda: exactly! So that's why we where fighting! They're not allowed to do that!
Y/n: what did mom and dad do that was bad?
Wanda: ...uh...
Wanda: they robed the bank and they hurled people!
Y/n: ow...
Wanda: just close your eyes and go to sleep! Your really tired!
*You close your eyes and fall asleep next to Wanda*
*Natasha walks into Wanda's room*
Wanda: she's asleep!
*Wanda: let a tear fall down her cheek*
Nat: what's wrong?
Wanda: she asked me what her parents did wrong...
Nat: ow! I know it's hard to see her and hear her talk about those things!
Wanda: she doesn't have a family now! She has no parents now!
Nat: I know...
Nat: I was thinking of adopting her...
Wanda: she would love it!
Nat: Steve and I talked about it...
Wanda: that would be amazing for you guys!
Nat: I asked the others what they thought about it and they think that it's a beautiful idea!
Wanda: I think the same!
Nat: I'm gonna tell Steve!
*She runs downstairs fast as she can*
Steve: why so happy?
Nat: it's okay for Wanda!
Steve: omg! I'm gonna be a dad!! And your gonna be a mom!!🥺😭🥰
*Natasha starts to cry from happiness*
*She hugs Steve*
Steve: I'm crying to!😭🥰🥺
Nat: I'm so happy!!!😭🥺🥰

-At 19 pm-
*Your awake*
*You sit next to Natasha and Wanda*
Tony: we are having a party tomorrow!
Y/n: why?
Tony: you'll see then!
Tony: it starts at 10 am!
Tony: put on your prettiest clothes!

-The next day at 8 am-
*Your waking up in Natasha's room*
Nat: good morning!
Y/n: hi!😁
Nat: Lets get up and put on some nice clothes!
Y/n: okay!
*You get up and put on a beautiful dress*
Nat: your beautiful!🥰😁
Y/n: thank you! I like yours to!🥰😁
Nat: thank you! Can I braid your hair?
Y/n: of course!
*Natasha makes two Dutch braids in your hair*
Nat: it's done!
*You look in the mirror*
Y/n: wow!😨🥰
Nat: what do you think?
Y/n: it's so pretty! I love it!😁🥰
Nat: Lets go downstairs!
*She takes your hand and takes you downstairs*

Steve: you are so beautiful!
*He picks you up*
Steve: and who did your hair like that? It's so cool!
Y/n: Natasha did it!😁
Nat: she likes it a lot if I braid her hair!
*You smile at her*
Tony: the party starts in 5 minutes!
Y/n: okay!

-5 minutes later-
*Everyone sits on the couch*
Steve: can you stand up Y/n?
Y/n: okay!
*You stand up*
*Natasha and Steve stand up to*
Steve: do you know our last names?
Y/n: no!
Nat: my last name is Romanoff!
Steve: and mine is Rogers!
Nat: and right now you are Y/n Y/l/n!
Steve: but we can change that!
Y/n: how?
Nat: your gonna be our daughter!😁🥰
Steve: and we are gonna be your parents!😁
Nat: we're gonna adopt you!
*You start to form happy tears in your eyes*
Y/n: really?!🥺
Steve: Yes!
Nat: you are gonna be Y/n Romanoff Rogers!🥰😁
*You give Natasha and Steve the biggest hug ever*
*Natasha starts to cry a little from happiness*
Nat: would you like that?
Y/n: yess!!!🥺😭🥰
Steve: when we met you we saw that you where scared and we didn't like it to see you like that!
Nat: we wanted to make you happy!
Y/n: thank you!
*You start to cry to*
Nat: your official Y/n Romanoff Rogers next week at Monday!
*You, Nat and Steve give each other a hug and start to party with everyone*

-At 20 pm-
Nat: your pretty tired! Let's get you to sleep!
*She picks you up and walks upstairs with you*
*She lays you down on her bed and lays down next to you*
Nat: you can call us mama and papa from now!
Y/n: okay!
Nat: goodnight baby!
Y/n: goodnight mama! Say to papa goodnight from me!
Nat: promise!
*When she walks out of the room she sees that your already asleep*

-The next week at Monday-
-it's 7 am-
*Natasha is already awake*
*You are having a nightmare and Natasha notices it*
Nat: Y/n? Are you okay?
*You wake up crying*
Y/n: I wanna stay here!🥺😭
Nat: what's wrong?!
Y/n: they wanted to take me!😭
Nat: it was just a nightmare! It's not real!
*You can only cry harder*
Nat: oh baby! Come here!
*She hugs you until you calm down*
Nat: nobody is gonna take you away! I promise!
Y/n: I'm happy that your here!
Nat: I'm happy to!
*She kisses your head*
*Steve storms into the room*
Steve: is everything alright?! I heard someone crying!
Nat: Y/n had a nightmare!
Y/n: they wanted to take me...🥺
Steve: nobody is gonna take you away from us!
*Steve coms and sits next to you*
Steve: your staying here with us!😘
*He gives you and Natasha a hug*
Steve: now that your already awake! Do you wanna go downstairs?
Y/n: yes please!
*Steve picks you up and you let your head rest on his shoulder*

Steve: let's sit on the couch!
*He lays on the couch and you are laying next to him with your head on his chest*
Steve: are you feeling better now?
Y/n: yes!
Steve: I love you!
Y/n: I love you to!
Steve: let's go eat something!
*You go sit on a chair next to Steve*
Steve: do you want some strawberries?
Y/n: ooh! Yes!
*He gives you a plate with some little strawberries on it*
Y/n: thank you papa!
*You eat your strawberries*
Y/n: done!
Steve: good job!
*Natasha walks into the room*
Steve: Nat? You need to smell this yoghurt!
Nat: why?
Steve: it smells really weird!
*Natasha smells the yogurt when Steve puts some yogurt on her nose*
Nat: Steve!
*You try not to laugh*
Steve: Natasha!
Nat: omg! Your so childish sometimes!
*She go's to the kitchen and wipes the yogurt off her nose*

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