Seeing something! 2

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-10 minutes later-
*A black spooky thing comes over to you*
Y/n: what do you want from me?!
...: you know me!
Y/n: no I don't!
...: it's me! Dad!
Y/n: your not! Dead people don't come back!
...: we do! And your gonna regret for staying here!!
Y/n: no!
*The black spooky thing comes up to you*
*You start to scream*
Y/n: aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
*Natasha and Steve rushes into your room when they see you crying hysterically*
Steve:what's wrong?!
Y/n: the black thing was here!
Nat: you need to sleep! Your making yourself more scared than you are!
Y/n: it sands that I'm gonna regret for staying here!
Steve: baby...
*Wanda storms into your room*
Wanda: I'm gonna look into her head and show you what she saw!
*She shows Steve and Natasha what you saw*
Wanda: it's real! And I know it!
Nat: how do know?
Wanda: Bruce told me a few months ago about a power where you can see ghosts and stuff like that!
Steve: you gotta be kidding me! Y/n can't have that power!
Wanda: she can have that one power! That power is a legendary power!
Wanda: nobody has it!
Nat: Lets take her to Bruce!
*Steve picks you up*
*Your still crying hysterically*
Peter: What's wrong? Why is she crying?!
*Wanda tells everyone what she thinks and shows them what you saw*
Bruce: I'm gonna do a test about that!
*He takes a needle*
Y/n: no!
Steve: what do you mean?
Y/n: I don't wanna do a test!
Nat to Steve: she's scares of needles!
Steve: you don't need to be scared!
Y/n: I don't want to do it!
Steve: you need to!
Y/n: no! I don't want to do it! Stop!
Bruce: I'm so sorry!
*He takes some of your blood*
Y/n: oww! That hurts!
Nat: sorry baby!
*She picks you up when Bruce is done*
*You lay your head on her shoulder while your crying*
Nat: ssshhh! It's okay! I'm with you! Nobody is gonna scare you again!
Peter: it's okay!
*He strokes your hair*
Peter: do you want some water?
*You nod yes*
*He gives you some water out of your favourite cup*
Y/n: thank you!
Peter: no problem!
*When your done he takes the cup and places it on the table*
*Nat sits on the couch hugging you*
*She try's to calm you down when you see the ghost again*
Y/n: it's here! It's here again!
Wanda: I'm gonna do it again!
*She shows everyone what you see*
Y/n: go away! We don't like you! Go away!
...: okay! But I'm coming back later!
*The ghost go's away*
Steve: it's okay! He's away! He's away!
Y/n: he-he's coming back later...
Wanda: your safe! The gonst can do nothing! We are here with you!
Bruce: I have the results!
Nat: tell us!
Bruce: she has the power to see ghosts and stuff like that!
Steve: what does that means?
Bruce: wenend to watch her until she can give it a place in her head and it becomes normal for her!
Nat: okay! Thank you Bruce!
Nat: it's 22 pm! Let's get you into bed!
Y/n: I don't wanna be alone!
Nat: you can sleep in my room!
Y/n: thank you mama!
*You dry your cheeks*
*Nat takes you upstairs to her room*
*She gives you your pj*
*You put on your pj and go lay down on her bed*
*Natasha lays next to you*
Nat: have sweet dreams!
*She gives you a kiss on your head when you fall asleep*

-The next morning at 8 am-
*You wake up when Natasha puts on her clothes in her bathroom*
Y/n: mama? Are you making the sounds?
Nat: yes! I'm sorry if I was to loud!
*She walks out of the bathroom in het nice clothes*
Y/n: why these nice clothes?
Nat: papa will tell you!
*She picks you up*
Nat: first you need to put on some nice clothes to!
Y/n: okay!
*Natasha gives you nice clothes*
*You put them on and brush your hair and teeth*
Y/n: I'm done!
Nat: good job!
*She picks you up and go's downstairs with you*
Y/n: why are we all having nice clothes on?
Steve: can I tell her?
Nat: do it! Go for it!
Steve: do you know what award are?
Y/n: uhm... aren't that something like prises you can get if you are famous?
Steve: correct! And we are nominated for a price! But you can win one to!
Y/n: how?
Steve: you can win one for the most famous kid!
Y/n: cool! But what's the sort of prise everyone can win?
Steve: it's for the most famous group!
Y/n: that's so cool!
Nat: so if your gonna eat something we can pack our bags!
Y/n: why?
Nat: it's in Belgium! So we are going on a vacation!
Y/n: I've never been on a vacation before! How is that?
Nat: it's really fun! We can do things like playing and we don't need to work hard!
Y/n: that sound nice!
Steve: I made you some strawberries and yoghurt!
*He places a bowl with the food on the table*
*You go sit on a chair and eat*

-After your breakfast-
Y/n: im done!
Nat: okay! Come with me!
*She takes you to your room*
Nat: wich clothes do you wanna take with you?
Y/n: I don't know! Can you help me?
Nat: of course!
*She helps you pack your bags*
*Peter comes your room in*
Peter: can I ask you something Y/n?
Y/n: yes! Always!
Peter: I was thinking we are going on a airplane and I would like it if I'm allowed to sit next to you?
Y/n: that's okay with me!
Nat: if you two want it it's okay!
Y/n: yay!
*You give Peter a hug*
Peter: I'll see you in a few hours!
*He leaves your room*
Nat: take your toothbrush and toothpaste!
*You take them and give them to Natasha*
Nat: thank you!

-2 hours later-
*You hear Tony saying that you need to go*
Tony: we need to go! Come on! Be quick!
*Everyone comes downstairs with their bags*
Nat: me and Y/n are ready!
Steve: is everyone here?
Everyone: yes!
Tony: let's go!
*Everyone steps in the car*
*Steve puts you in your car seat*
Steve: it's 30 minutes driving to the airport!
Y/n: is that long?
Pepper: no! That's really fast!
Y/n: okay!
*Nat drives to the airport*
Tony: I like this song! Y/n! I've learned you this!
Y/n: yess!
*He puts on the song really loud and you start singing because it's your favourite song*

-After the song-
Nat: wow! I didn't know you could sing!
Y/n: I'm full of surprises!

-10 minutes later-
Nat: we are here!
*She parks the car*
Peter: I'll take Y/n out of her car seat!
*He takes you out of your car seat*
Y/n: thank you!
*Natasha takes your bags and hers to*
Nat: you ready?
Y/n: yup!
*Steve takes your hand and walks inside*
Steve: I'm gonna pick you up so we don't lose you!
*He picks you up*
*Everyone walks trough a metal detector*
Security: safe!
*Everyone sits on a chair and waits until you can step onboard*
Security: everyone who go's to Belgium can step onboard!
Nat: that's for us!
*Steve picks you up*
Steve: let's go!
Nat: I've booked first class so it's not to heavy for Y/n!
*Everyone steps onboard*
*You sit between Natasha and Peter*
*Steve sits next to Natasha*
Stewardess: put on the seatbelt so we can go!
*Everyone puts on his seatbelt*
Peter: are you okay Y/n?
Y/n: is it scary at a airplane?
Nat: no! It's really fun!
Peter: how much hours flying is it?
Steve: 8 hours!
Peter: okay!
Nat: it's going to be fine! Maybe you need to sleep! It's already 20 pm!
Y/n: okay!
*After 30 minutes of flying your asleep*
*A stewardess comes over to Natasha and Steve*
Stewardess: hello! Does someone wants something to drink or eat?
Nat: for Y/n a apple juice please! And a vodka for me!
Steve: some water maybe!
The others: we don't need anything!
Stewardess: okay! It's coming!

-5 minutes later-
*The stewardess gives everyone their drinks*
Stewardess: here's a bell so if someone needs anything you can just ring the bell!
Nat: thank you!
Stewardess: no problem!
*She walks away when you wake up*
Nat: hey baby! Do you want some apple juice?
*You nod yes with your head*
*She hand you your apple juice*
*You drink it and fall asleep again*

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