Hospital / home!

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-The next day at 10 am-
*Your waking up with really bad headaches*
*Natasha sees you holding your head so she sits down next to you*
Nat: what's wrong sweetie?
Y/n: my-my head hurts...!
Nat: a doctor will be here today to help you!
*She kisses your forehead when a doctor walks into the room*
Doctor: hello!
Steve: hello!
Doctor: is she awake?
Nat: yes! But she says that she has headaches!
Doctor: that's probably from all the stress!
Doctor: you need to stay here for a week but when you get better you can go home!
Doctor: if you want you can walk around but the bags for the medication are gonna be replaced at 12 am!
Nat: okay! Thank you!
Doctor: bye!
*He goes away*
Y/n: I don't like it! It hurts!
Nat: we know but you need to stay here in the hospital so the doctors can help you!
*A nurse walks inside with your breakfast*
Nurse: good morning! Here's your breakfast!
Steve: is it okay if she does a sugar test?
Nurse: of course! If there's someone wrong you know what to do!
*She leaves*
Nat: let me do it for you!
*She takes some of your blood*
Nat: it's good! You can eat!
Steve: I see they brought you some pancakes!
Y/n: I like pancakes!
Nat: eat them before papa eats them because he loves them to!
Y/n: here! You and mama can have some to!
*You split a pancake in half and give Steve and Natasha both a half pancake*
Steve: thank you! Now I'm the pancake monster!
*He props his part of the pancake in his mouth*
Steve: hahahaa!😏
Y/n: hahaha!😂😁
Nat: ooh! Someone's happy!
Nat: does your lama have a name?
Y/n: I think lama is a good name!
Nat: lama is gonna get you!😏😁
*She takes your lama and tickles you with it*
*You start giggling*
*Natasha stops tickling you*
Nat: eat your breakfast!😂
*You eat your pancakes*

-After your breakfast-
Nat: Lets put on a pj!
*You stand up but fall*
*Before you hit the ground Steve can take your arms so you don't hit the ground*
*He picks you up*
Steve: what was that?
Y/n: I don't know!
Steve: it's okay!
*He places you on the ground but you fall*
*Natasha places you on your bed*
Nat: are you sure your okay?
Y/n: I'm fine!
Nat: maybe your legs are tired!
Nat: let me help you!
*She helps you put on a fresh pj*
Nat: that's better!

-At 12 am-
*The doctor comes inside your room*
Doctor: hello! I'm here to check on you and replace the medication bags!
*He connects a new bag with medication to your arm*
Doctor: everything fine for the rest?
Steve: when she was about to stand up she fell on the ground and when I placed her on her feet she fell again!
Doctor: can you try to walk for me?
*When you stand up you fall again*
*The doctor places you on your feet but you fall*
*Natasha places you on the bed*
Doctor: do you feel something in your legs when you try to stand up?
Y/n: it's like a sharp pain!
Doctor: maybe your legs are to tired to hold your body!
Y/n: what does that means?
Doctor: it means that your legs don't have enough energy to let you stand and walk around!
Y/n: that sounds not fun!
Doctor: I know but they need to rest!
Nat: thank you for looking!

-After one week in the hospital-
*Your legs still can't hold your body*
Nat: we are going home today!
Y/n: finally!
Steve: we're taking the bus!

-At 15 pm-
*You, Steve and Natasha arrive at the tower*
Nat: try and alk to papa!
*You try to stand up but you keep falling*
*You hit the ground with your arm*
Y/n: ow! This is stupid!
*Natasha picks you up and walks inside with you and Steve*
Steve: we are back!
*Everyone rushes over to you and the others*
Wanda: hi!
Y/n: Wanda!!
*She picks you up*
*You hug her really tight*
Wanda: we missed you!
Wanda: we missed you to!
Y/n: can I try to walk?
Nat: if you take my hands!
*You take Natasha's hands while Wanda places you on the ground*
*Natasha needs to pick you up because you can't stand on your own*
Y/n: this sucks!
Pietro: can't she walk on her own?
Steve: no! Her legs are to tired to hold her body! The doctor said to me this morning that it can be like this for a few weeks!
Y/n: no! I don't like it!
Y/n: stupid legs! Just work like you need to do!
Yelena: I don't think that will work!
Y/n: I don't care! They just need to work like I want it!
Nat: sweetie... this will not have an effect on your legs!
Y/n: please?
Yelena: that's not gonna make a difference Y/n!
Y/n: it was worth to try it!
Peter: give me a hug!
*He picks you up and you hug him hard as you can*
Y/n: I missed you!
Peter: do you have the lama?
Y/n: yup!
Peter: I brought him with Mj for you! I didn't know something so Mj saw him at the store and said that she wanted you to have him!
Y/n: he's cute!
Peter: do you wanna watch a movie?
Y/n: yes please?
*Peter brings you to his room*

-In Peter's room*
*He lays you on his bed*
Peter: do you wanna watch Snow White?
Y/n: yes!
*Peter starts the movie*

-After the movie at 17 pm-
*You fell asleep during the movie*
*Your sleeping with your head on Peter's chest*
Peter: your so cute!🥰🥺

-At 19 pm-
*Peter picks you up while your sleeping*
*He takes you downstairs*
Yelena: is she sleeping?
Peter: we where watching a movie and she fell asleep!
*You wake up and rub your eyes*
Yelena: hi Y/n!
*You don't answer because your to tired*
*You lay your head next to Peter's neck*
Peter: what are you doing?
Yelena: I'm putting the plates on the dinner table!
Yelena: it's pizza! Woohoo!
Peter: hey Y/n! Did you hear that? It's pizza!
*Your already back asleep*
*Natasha walks over to you and Peter*
Nat: it's dinner time!
*She picks you up*
Nat: wake up! It's dinner time!
*You wake up*
Nat: do you want some pizza?
Y/n: did you say pizza?!
Nat: i said pizza!😂

-At 21 pm-
Steve: bed time!
Y/n: okay!😒
Peter: I'll put her into her bed!
*He picks you up and walks to your room*

-In your room-
Y/n: I don't wanna go to bed!
Peter: your not going!
Peter: look outside!
*You look out of the window*
Peter: what do you see?
Y/n: it's raining!
Peter: exactly! And I'm coming back to you at midnight!
Peter: then I'll pick you up and run outside with you!
Y/n: that sounds fun!
Peter: then we can do dump in the rain!
Y/n: yay!
Peter: just put on your pj over your clothes!
Y/n: I can't! My stupid legs won't let me stand on my own!
Peter: I'll help you!
*He helps you put on your pj over your clothes*

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