[Sweet Melody] Steve Rogers

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Before I start all Marvel Characters are owned by Stan Lee and Marvel. I don't own any of them. And Thalia and part of the plot I don't own either. She and the plot are owned by povsandfangirling in her book distressed.

Sweet Melody - Little Mix

He used to sing me sweet melody's
He played me made me believe
It was real love
Sing me sweet melody's
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on and on

What if Natasha Romanoff had a younger sister that was taken by hydra just after she left the Red Room. What if she escapes 9 years later and falls in love with a certain capsicle but hydra kidnap her again. What if Steve and Bucky find her but she doesn't know who she is

Bucky and Steve had managed to track Thalia to a bar on the other side of New York to the compound. Right now they were must watching her to see the circumstances they would have to face to get her back. For Steve to get his Runaway back. For Bucky to get Little Widow back. And for Natasha to get her Munch back.

No one other that Steve and Bucky new where they were. Even Tony didn't know because they had locked all files of them talking about where they were down and Tony couldn't ask F.R.I.D.A.Y to get them.

"Steve come on let's get her tonight. What if they go somewhere else, Huh? What are we going to do when that happens. We only just found her." Bucky said knowing Steve wanted to wait another night because that meant they could have a plan.

"Buck we agreed yesterday that we would wait till tomorrow. I'm not going to risk Thalia's life because we didn't wait till tomorrow." Steve replied finishing his drink.

They both didn't know how they would get Thalia back but from watching her. It seemed like what seed to be her manager or handler was getting a bit to close and she looked uncomfortable with his close he was. They both could also see that Thalia had gotten taller.

The boys didn't know how strong she was now or how much fighting it would take to get her down and trusting them. To her, Steve thought, they would look like kidnappers or at least perverts. Even after that though all he could think of was holding his Runaway in his arms again. Cuddled up in bed talking.

"Shit I think she just saw us." Drew Steve out of his thoughts. When Steve looked over at Thalia he saw her shrug something off. Bucly was sprobably right. She probably had seen them.


Thalia's pov

Thalia was walking around the fight club and she noticed a blonde and a brunette sitting at the bar next door. They were watching her very closely. Thalia shrugged it off and acted like she never spotted them but still felt eyes lingering over her. She turned around and saw her handler staring at her.

"We have another fight come on. And this one thinks your puny, thinks you can beat him." Her handler told her. He knew just how to rile her up. To call her puny, dumb, stupid, weak, worthless. The worst part was, she believed him. No one cared about her but him but her was a pervert. She had no family, no boyfriend, no nothing. She was alone.

Thalia got in the ring and saw her apponent. He was at least twice her size but that gave Thalia the advantage.

The fight started and her apponent lunged at her but Thalia just slid through his legs. He tripped and Thalia got a few punches in before her started to get back up and defend himself. He swung a left hooker but Thalia dogged it and swept his legs out from under him and punch him in face with a satisfying crunch. Thalia had broken his nose. He got up again after Thalia had broken his nose. He threw two punches which Thalia dogged again but on the third punch she used it to her adavantage. Thalia twisted his fist wrapped her legs around his neck and brought him down and after that sending a swift kick to the testicles.


The next night Bucky and Steve had gotten in position. To their luck Thalia and her handler were there the next night. Steve was in the shadows on a balcony over looking the ring where Thalia had broken a mans nose the night before. Bucly was also in the shadows but was on the ground floor. Watching Thalia's every move she fought, punched, kicked. She used every move Steve and Bucly recognised that Natasha used. Thalia still remembered something. There was hope.

As the night went on Steve felt more and more sick. Her handler was a disgusting man. Touching his Runaway in all the wrong ways. Thalia clearly looked uncomfortable but he still touched her. Steve even swore he saw him looking at her breasts and ass. Steve eventually got tired of watching her handler and instead watched if Thalia had spotted him or Bucky.


Thalia's pov

Thalia felt eyes on her all night that weren't her handlers. She eventually noticed a man on the balcony that looked like her mystery man from missions and a man in the corner watching her fight. After another fight and her handler calling her worthless for the third time tonight she finally decoded she needed a drink.

"I'm gonna go get a drink at the bar." Thalia told her handler before she headed to the bar. Her Handler let Thalia go to the bar and get a drink.

As Thalia got to the bar and ordered her drink at the bar, the man watching her on the ground floor walked over to her.


Bucky walked over to Thalia and she asked something that Bucky wasn't surprised she asked "Who are you and what do you want? You've been watching me all night."

Bucky replied with a simple answer "Thalia we're here to take you home."

Thalia didn't know how to answer. She was dumbfounded. "How do you know a name for me."

Bucky was surprised by Thalia's answer and replied with "Because I know you little widow."

"That's not my name." Thalia growled out which Bucky took to team she didn't trust him or Steve when he would eventually come down.

Bucky didn't know how to respond to what Thalia just said. Then Thalia took her chance and pounced. She grabbed Bucky's metal arm and twisted it and put it behind his back while pressing him onto the bar top with her new found super human strength.

"Little Widow I know you don't trust me." Bucky said before flipping her over so she was in the position he was just in. "And Thalia the only reason I have the advantage is because of my arm. So little widow you either need to cooperate and work with Steve and I or I'll have to keep you like this till you calm down."

Thalia restrained against Bucky. She didn't know who these people were or what they wanted with her. Thalia then heard a crackling in her ear and heard her handler's voice "Calm down and once you gain their trust, terminate them."

Thalia relaxed and decided to cooperate. Bucky didn't release her but touched his earpiece and talked into it "Steve she's cooperating. You can come down now and try to talk to her."

As Steve came down he saw his Runaway. Bucky had released her from his grip. He came up and hugged her but Thalia pushed back. "I don't like being touched." She said as she pushed back and stepped back.

After Thalia stepped back she took out her earpiece threw it on the ground and smashed it with her foot to prove she trusted them. "So where are you two idiots taking me. I don't have all day you know." Thalia said then started walking towards the door.

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