Character backstory (Only if you want)

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Samuel Henderson aka The prince

Age: 29 years old. Soon to be 30. (Hates ppl and aubergines). Is a prince who works undercover to gather intel about the Pirate Island's weapon supplies. Is an expert when it comes to fencing or just sword combat mainly. Has no siblings, very witty, loves green and has anxiety. 

Alessandra Jameson aka Miss dagger 

Age: 29 years old. Is a part-time self-defense teacher. Works also as a pirate on the boat "Vindicta". Lives with Tom, George, Simon and Clint on the boat. Hates people and has trust issues. Would gladly stab them, especially if someone underestimates her. 

Simon Dunn

Age: 35 years old. Is a pirate, part-time fisher, who bought the boat "Vindicta" as revenge against the king for killing his friend. Very goofy, but serious when he wants to. George and Tom are his best friends, but he's closest to Clint. Hates sexist men and would very likely be Alessandra's partner-in-crime again. Loves kids and board games. 

Clinton Carson

Age: 36 years old. Is a pirate, part-time blacksmith in the town with Tom. The responsible one in the group. Very nice, but if someone hurts his family, he'll make you pay. Intelligent at most, but somehow makes the dumbest desicions sometimes. 

George Woodslayer

Age: 35 years old. Is a pirate, part-time fisher with Simon. Loves people and is a very social person in general. His best friends are Alessandra, Simon and Clint but Tom is like his other half. He's known Tom since they were kids. Kinda dumb sometimes, but still smart. 

Tom Davis

Age: 35 years old. Is a pirate, part-time blacksmith with Clint. Unlike George, he isn't a very social person. He doesn't like to interact because ppl think he acts weird. He's blessed with high-functioning autism. (I would know lmaoo). He likes to write stories and draw, he also overanalyzes ppl on the streets. Is an overthinker and has anxiety. 

Lancelot Miller aka the bodyguard

Age: 53 years old. Has the prince's bodygurard since the prince was 7 years old. He used to live in Africa before the king's army came and enslaved his village. When he lost his siblings he went on a killer rampage and killed almost half of the army. He made a deal with the king, if Lancelot worked for the king for the rest of his life the king would spare his siblings. Lancelot agreed, but when he left the king told his army to kill them without Lancelot ever finding out. Is like a father to the prince. He loves the boy like his own son. 

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