Part One- The prince

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A/N : Oink Oink

"Parents", he sighed as he stepped out of the carriage.

He walked into the castle and sighed. He had to go undercover as a pirate so that he could get information about the pirate's defense system aka their weapon supplies. When he had enough info he would inform his kingdom and they would attack and he was supposed to help.

But if he was honest, he never liked the royalty life. He was living a trap. Caged like bird. Well a flightless bird. He wanted to explore the world and go on dangerous adventures that gave you that kick of adrenalin. Sure, the royalty life had all of this, but to a certain point. He had to sleep with multiple women who only wanted him for his money. According to his father, he was obliged to marry a woman at the age of 30, which was in a year. He wanted to be free, a pirate. Just like the stories his mom would tell him as a child. But he also knew that he would most likely crumble at his father's words and get married anyway. That didn't mean he wasn't going to try.

Coward. He has good intentions, but still. A coward. If you want something, you need to fight for it. There will be people who will try and push you down or stop you, but those are only a reason to keep going. Because you need to climb the mountain to reach the top. And when you're at the top, you're going to look down at all those who made you feel like hell and yell at the top of your lungs. "I made it here, to the top without you! Meaning I'm stronger than you and always will be!" Sorry, when I start I can't stop hehe....... Anyways back to the story- Your Storyteller

As he went inside, he looked around in the castle. The castle where all his memories were created. Written in those walls were the stories he couldn't explain, but still loved. "Home sweet home I guess," he thought and started to walk. He found his way to the throne room and there he was. His father was sitting on the throne, as he observed the prince's every step.

Well duh it's a throne room *rolls eyes* sry back to the sToRy- Your Storyteller

"Hello father". His father only nodded and began to give him instructions. "Son, you shall leave today for your mission. Your mission is to infiltrate the pirates and inform us about their defense, when the time comes you will help us attack that disgusting island. Understood?" The prince felt his eyelids get heavy but quickly replied. "Understood father". "Good luck son".

He went to his room and closed the door. He felt the tears blurring his vision and yelled into his pillow. His father didn't even say hello, he only nodded. If he wasn't going call him by his first name, he could at least say hello.

LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK Y'ALL ...purr *does gay wirst*- Your Storyteller

"SIR WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW. YOU'LL HAVE TO CONTINUE YOUR YELLING IN YOUR SLEEP", he heard his bodyguard Lancelot as he kept knocking the door frantically, when finally, the prince groaned and opened the door. The prince glared at his bodyguard. "Yes Lancelot?" "Boy don't you try and sass me. I heard you yelling from the village. THE VILLAGE REALLY? People thought someone was dying but little did they know it was only their whining-overdramatic-dumbass to prince on his man period". Lancelot took a deep breath as he rubbed his forehead. The prince only stared at him with no emotion. "Are you done or are we waiting for the rest of the village to give me a speech?"

Lancelot groaned and banged his head against the wall next to him. "The father, the son and thee Holy Spirit, I ask you to give me strengh and paitence. So help me God or I'll become a slave for killing the prince". The prince chuckled as he looked at Lancelot's breakdown. But that chuckle soon got replaced with a scared face. "What you laughing at boy? GO!" He ran to the carriage laughing as Lancelot went in after him with the prince's bags. "Do you enjoy giving me early wrinkles?" Lancelot sighed. "Yes I do actually", the prince replied smirking. Lancelot only laughed. "It's gonna be a long journey. Go to sleep or I'll make you sleep forever". He looked at Lancelot and remembered something. "Wouldn't you need the Slumber daisy?" Lancelot scoffed at the young prince. "Boy, where I come from you don't need no flower to sleep forever. You only need a sword and to aim for the heart". The prince looked at his bodyguard with wide eyes while Lancelot only laughed. You know, that sad laugh when you reminisce something.

As he felt his eyelids become heavier, he thought about him and the bodyguard. He loved Lancelot like a father. He truly did. Even if he annoyed the bodyguard sometimes and vice versa and they argued, he wouldn't even hesitate to sacrifice his life for the man. He truly looked up to Lancelot. Not only because he was taller, but because he was so strong and wise. It made the prince wanna be true to his heart and be strong just like Lancelot. But that sad laugh made him wonder what happened to him before he became his bodyguard. I guess we'll never know. He was too much of a coward to ask.

You don't say. Btw R.I.P that Lancelot ayyy....Y'all thought I disappeared didn't you? As you can see I am not dead....purr- Your Storyteller

During the trip, he fell asleep. He had a dream. It felt so weird, yet so real. Like it happened to him. All he remembered was that he was on a beach. All he could see was a man laying on the sand bleeding. Another man held the dying man in his arms while begging him to stay. He couldn't see their faces as they had their backs to him. All he heard was the dying man's last words. "It's ok".

IT IS NOT OK Y'ALL *cries in endgame* bAcK tO tHe StOrY.....rawr- Your Storyteller

He couldn't see their faces but he felt his heart break, yet he didn't know why. The prince only felt sadness and heartwrencing guilt, guilt that he couldn't understand. It was tearing him apart from the inside and out. As the unknown man slowly died, the prince felt tears burning his skin as he let out a sob.

He was brought back to reality by Lanceloy shaking him. "Wake up Sir". "Yes Lancelot?" he groaned. "We have arrived".

Words: 1122

A/N: How are y'all doing? I can see you started. You better have your candle storage ready because we are going to manifest a lot here. I warned y'all. May Jesus be with you. Peace out for now..... *does gay wrist*- Author

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