Part 4 - Glass hearts and ghosts joining above

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A/N: Hello chocolate chips (that's my nickname for u deal with it 👻) I expect you to be smart enough to figure this out 🤭 Anyways without further ado part 4 is brought to you....that rhymed 🤭


"What, I'm in the kitchen. Not my fault they decide to flirt with eachother while I'm eating smh". "Well at least people would want me on their wall. They would pay for me", Sam said as he took a step closer to her and looked down since she was a bit shorter. "That's just sad you know. To only be seen as a possesion and not as a human", she replied with taking a step forward aswell and by now they were almost nose to nose. "Holy shit", Clint and Simon whispered while eating and staring at the 29yr olds. "Better to be a possesion. At least I'm something". Now they were nose by nose. "According to whom?", she said looking him in the eyes. It was now she noticed how blue his eyes were. Like the ocean, she started to get lost in his eyes while he was long lost in hers already. 


But she just shook her head and stepped back. "You apologized, now you wait. Not tomorrow or the day after that, but maybe after a week perhaps 3". She walked into her room and slammed the door. "Kid she won't forgive you easily. Give her time and besides, what was the reason for saying that?", Simon said as he glared at Sam like a grumpy cat. "Honestly, you better have a reason or I promise you-", Clint now said as he stood up ready to kill him. Sam just sighed. "Yes there is a reason, but it's stupid anyway". Simon scoffed. "Damn right". 

Simon stood up and streched out his arms as he yawned. "Anyways it's been a long day for everyone so I think that we should go to sleep now", he said with a sleepy voice. "Goodnight guys", Sam said as he went up to his room and closed the door. As he slumped down on the bed, his mind went to those venom green eyes and now he knew the name. Alessandra. 

He just wanted her to forgive him and he respected that it would take time. He really shouldn't have said that. But he had hope, because when she said that it'd take time, she looked like she was going to forgive him soon. But he wasn't going to get his hopes up in vain. He went to sleep knowing that there might be hope. Oh, and that the mission starts tomorrow. 

Alessandra sighed as she laid in bed. Why did she have to meet him again and worse, now he lived with them as a pirate. He was a good fighter, but she wasn't going to admit that. Over her dead body. She  slowly found herself getting lost in those ocean blue eyes again. How they glowed with that spark of mischeif when they fought and......STOP. She couldn't think like that. Well technically she already did, but she just couldn't. She was mad at him. She wasn't going to give in that easily to those ocean blue eyes and decided to take her time as she went into a dreamless sleep. 

There was 4 bedrooms. Tom and George shared one, same with Clint and Simon. Sam and Alessandra got their own rooms. Back in Tom and George's room they were still talking about the new pirate. 

"Do you think that Sam is cut out for the pirate life? I mean, the way he walks and talks, he seems a bit too classy. You know what I mean?", George whispered as it was already late. Tom drummed with his fingers on the nightstand as he thought of an answer that was honest, but not too rude. "To be completely honest, I don't think so. He seems a bit naive. The things you said, I saw them too. But I think that he'll learn in time, he's already brave. Anybody else would've yelled or ran away when she pulled out the sword at him, but he didn't even flinch.". "I think he's got the hots for Alessandra", George now said. "Why would you think that?". George dramatically sighed at the question. "The way he looked at her, obviously. How could you not see that? I mean you usually see the things nobody else even notice". Tom laughed quietly as he remembered that everyone was asleep. "Of course I noticed, I'm no fool. I guess I just don't believe in love". George huffed at this. 

"What do you actually not believe in love?". It was Tom's turn to scoff now. "No, in my eyes love is just an easy way to manipulate humans into getting what you want. Love are just endorphins in our brain, that gets realeased into our bodies. The dopamine is produced when we feel satisfied, which results in humans feeling happy. In short, we can feel really good. But the dopamine doesn't stay forever, and then we're back to the constant trying of filling that void inside of us". George just looked at Tom. "What? Do I have something on my face?". George laughed. "No, you just made love sound so boring and awful. Only you have the power to do that, I guess". "Well I'm also the only one that will always tell you the truth no matter how much it hurts", Tom said with a smile. 

George just looked at Tom fondly. He realised how lucky he was to have Tom in his life. So what, he could be a bit weird at times and was brutally honest. Well, Tom called it "radical honesty". And he didn't like people and hugs, but that didn't matter. Because when society saw Tom as a flawed human, broken, needed to be fixed, George saw the good things in him. The weirdness was a funny part of him, the honesty made him a better human since he didn't have to lie to feel good or be nice. People was usually fake anyways and he found the right ones in the end, that's what Tom always used to say. He was such an amazing person, but he hid all of that behind this wall he built up. George wondered what made Tom the way he is, well except his autism. How he was before they met. 

Tom was looking at Geroge too. He always wondered how he ended up so lucky to meet George. I mean, he was this sweet, all-go-round happy guy that made everyone smile. But Tom only intimidated everyone, he could see it on their faces. Everytime he walked into a room or went out to buy groceries, he could see their judging looks. With time, he learned how to ignore them. But still, he always laid awake wondering why he couldn't be like George, not that he'd admit it, but still. Also he wondered how people so different could be so well together. The rest of the village thought that too, no doubt. 

"What's wrong?", he asked. The worry clear in his voice. Tom just put on a fake smile. "Nothing, don't worry about it". George just raised his eyebrow up. He was the only one that could really get through Tom's walls. "Please, don't worry about me. I'm fine alright, let's just get some sleep". George sighed. "Alright, goodnight donkey". Tom just smiled as he felt his eyelids slowly shut him out from reality. 

Simon just laid in bed, thinking really. Clint was already fast asleep. He just sighed as he looked up at ceiling, like it had the answers to all of his questions. "Why can't you just let me be truly happy for once, God? I didn't do anything wrong, I just fell in love. How is that so wrong? I've been nice and honest to everyone around me and yet pain and suffering is all I get in return. Am I really that bad of a person?", he asked as he felt the tears fall down his cheeks slowly. He couldn't feel happy anymore, he just felt lonely and broken. Although he had love from his friends and his only true love, he still felt broken. Was it really that wrong to love a man if he wasn't a woman? It's love right? 

But apparently, that was so wrong. He was broken, ugly, a filthy pig according to God. Needed to be fixed, he didn't know how to fix himself. But he had to, not for himself but for Clint. If their love was known to the society, they would be hunted down and killed. Simon didn't mind to die, but he didn't want his love to be in pain because of his selfishness. He looked at Clint one last time before he felt his eyelids become heavier and whispered. "I'm sorry, but I can't let them hurt you. Goodnight, my only true love". 

Words: 1498 st

A/N: Hello again my chocolate chips 👻 This part was a bit different I know not the best but it'll get better as you keep on reading I'm not the writer of Flightless Bird so yeah btw I'm sorry for not updating I had two big exams yesterday and worst part I'm not done yet I still have like 3-4 exams before my fall break anyways how was your week love just rant in the comments <3 


This chapter is dedicated to the guys in my class that smack each others asses and moan each others names ( no homo tho ) bc oBvIoUsLy they're not gay anygays bye chocolate chips 💅 

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