Part 5 - The rise of the hive

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    A/N: Wassup my chocolate chips now this is part 5 hope you're ready for this anyways                       ✨ part 5 ✨ 

Clint rubbed his eyes and groaned as the sunlight shone through the window. He yawned and sat up straight on his bed. He looked over to Simon, lightly snoring with his mouth open while drooling. Clint just looked at his love sleeping and drifted away in his thoughts.

He loved Simon, with all of his heart. There's nothing that he wouldn't do, wouldn't say, wouldn't create, if it made Simon happy. He would climb the highest mountains, cross the most dangerous rivers, walk to the ends of the earth. If it made him happy. Why did they have to this? To live in a lie? Always hiding, always looking behind them to see if someone's there. He guessed that's what he had to do to be with his love. "The sacrifices of love", he thought. He leaned down to press a small kiss to his forehead. "I'll see you later, my love", he sighed as he closed the door quietly after him and went down. 

Simon woke up with a yawn and looked around. Clint was nowhere to be seen. But as he looked out the window, he saw Clint walking out with his bag. He went to the window and knocked on it to get his attention. Clint looked back and saw Simon waving. He waved back and blowed a kiss to him. Simon catched it and held his hand to his chest overdramatically while Clint just laughed and left for work. He saw that as his cue to get ready for the day. He changed into a fisher overall and washed his face, then went down to the kitchen where Tom and George already were eating. 

"Goodmorning Simon", George said smiling. "Goodmorning". Tom now looked up from his book. "What's up?". "The sky", Simon said. "Technically it's the roof and don't try acting smart with me boy", Tom huffed. Simon scoffed. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today". George choked on his food while he looked over to Tom who was mumbling "Murder is illegal" over and over again. He just took Tom's arm and made Tom look at him. 

R.I.P that Simon ayyy btw is he dUmB? Like why would anyone say that? Smh ppl are so annoying these days and- Hello again readers thought you could get rid of me? Not today, I was on writing rest since the author here *points at her* forgot I existed in the last chapter. Heart's been broke so many times 😞 💔 🥀 ⛓-  Your Storyteller

"Please don't murder him. It's morning and I don't want to get blood all over my breakfast. Besides, you're responsible for the newbie today. I took the freedom in telling Clint to give you the day off. You're welcome", he smiled. Tom looked at him with tired eyes. "Number 1, fine I won't kill him. Number 2, why me? I barely spoke to the kid yesterday and besides I'm not social. Number 3, why did you tell Clint to give me the day off? He needs help with all the orders we have and taking a day off will make me unorganised". 

George just looked at him, he already knew how tired Tom was. Always working over-time, being a pirate, super organised, yet so stubborn, acting like everything was fine. His walls bulit up so strong. But George could see through those walls, he could see the dark bags under his eyes. And how he never had an apetite, but then in the middle of the night he would see Tom eat like the end was near. He sighed. "Tom, you need to rest. You haven't taken a day off for the last 2 years ok?". Tom just glared at him, not really angry just a bit embarrassed over how easily George could persuade him. "Fine, but I won't like it". That was a lie, not that he'd admit it. "I would be opposed if you did", George said with a small wink as he went up and left to the bridge. 

Wink wonk 😏 PLS I'm so immature and for what? 🤡 - Your Storyteller

Tom was left with a confused yet happy Simon. Simon was fascinated over how easily George could persuade him, but George could persuade anybody. He was proud too, over Tom. George was right, Tom really needed a break. Everyone could see it, but anytime someone told him that, he just ignored them and kept on working. George was the only one that could get to Tom. "What now?", he asked. "Now you eat your breakfast and help out George at the bridge while I babysit the newbie". "Hey, I'm no baby", they turned around to see a pouting Sam with his arms crossed. Tom raised an eyebrow. "Your pout begs to differ". Simon stifled a laugh while Sam just huffed and started to eat his breakfast. Tom went to the shed to get the stuff he needed for the tasks today. "Just listen to Tom now okay, you don't want to mess with him when he's pissed off. Anyways, bye Sam", Simon took his stuff and left Sam confused and scared. 

I'm just imagining him with wide eyes thinking about Tom throwing like a whole ass table or chair at him (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ and it's hillarious maybe I'm just a sadist 🤷 when I say that he deserve it because I'm still mad at him being a sexist🙅 OnLy tO gEt HeR aNgRy *points at author* honestly 😃 I hate you "because I've got more power" nO yOu DoNt *hides rage in the power of author* aGaiN i HaTe yOu- Your storyteller

As Simon left him confused his mind started to wander away to what he had told him. "Why would he be pissed off? Or a better question, what would he do?". Sam had eavesdropped on their conversation, in hope of getting some valueable information, but truth be told he didn't know how he was going to retrieve it. As he was thinking of strategies, Tom came back with a bucket and a mop. 

He eyed Tom up and down as he put down the bucket and croseed his arms. Tom just stared a him completely emotionless and Sam began to wonder if he was alive. But he soon realised that Tom was indeed alive and he just sighed. "Well then newbie, let's begin". "Don't call me newbie". Tom just rolled his eyes. "Fine, Samuel". 

Words: 1093 st

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating school has been a real nightmare but I'll try and update soon just be a little paitent on me enough about me how was your day love just rant and give me some dark humor with that said and done without further ado I bid you adieu ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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