Chapter 1

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Human touch is one of the many things Y/n experienced growing up.Her whole life involved her being in the public eye .She was Tony Stark's daughter after all.

After many nights of Tony denying the fact that his daughter was sick,Y/n gave in and accepted the fact she may not be able to get out of this. She knew fighting and crying about this wouldn't help anything.

She needed to go to the hospital where she would get better. She would get cared for by doctors who know and have been through taking care of children with this disease.

Cystic Fibrosis or for short CF. Y/n had been researching about it. Among her searches were..

How is it spread?

Is there a cure?

And what is it?

Those and many others.She sighed as she shut her computer, the light of the room now gone as the only thing that illuminated it, was her laptop. She sat in the dark as she tried her best to take a deep breath.She couldn't.It hurt every time she tried.

She let her body fall back onto her bed as she stared at the ceiling.The house was quiet.Just how she liked it.

Her parents were at the compound working,leaving Y/n here to pack. After finding out the news of her illness, she had been taken out of school and signed into the New York hospital. She would head there tomorrow with her things transferred to.

The news of her illness spread throughout the media. All sending their best wishes to her and her family. It was getting a little too real.

Of course hearing about her inevitable fate was tragic and Y/n did cry her eyes out the night she found out. But she was the only person who accepted it. That caused worry within her family as they were confused. Y/n had found out that not many people survive and very few people get donated new lungs.

Tony had sent out posts and articles to try and find a donour who's Y/n's twin copy of lungs. It made Y/n worse hearing that all this was really happening to her.

She closed her eyes and took a small breath of air. Not even a minute later she heard knocking at her bedroom door. She opened one of her eyes.

"Y/nn?"a tiny voice called out.

Y/n chuckled and sat up. She gently lifted herself of the bed and opened the door revealing Morgan. The toddler giggled.

"Hey Morgana,how are you?"Y/n asked holding the door open with her hand just enough to see Morgan.

"Good, I just wanted to tell you that mommy has a movie set up in the living room and she wants you to come watch a movie with us like we do every Friday night "Morgan said smiling.

"Moms home?"

"Yep,now hurry downstairs.We're watching a Disney movie"She giggled again running away from the door. Y/n shook her head with a smile.She loved her little sister with everything she had.She meant the world and was one of the reasons she stayed positive during everything that's going on.

Y/n's pov:

I slipped on my bunny slippers and opened my bedroom door again. I slipped out gently closing the door behind me as I headed down the stairs.

I heard muffled voices coming from the living room as I tip toed down the stairs.Mom saw me and smiled.

"Y/n, hello sweetheart"She greeted walking over and placing a kiss on my cheek. I smiled as she pulled away and held my arms.

"Hey Mom. Dad not back yet?"I asked looking around.Mom was about to respond when I heard......

"Y/n!"Dad smiled as I let go of mom and rushed over as I hugged him and he held back tighter."Hello Pumpkin"he smiled brushing some hair that had fallen in front of my eyes.

"I thought you weren't back till tomorrow?"I asked pulling away from his embrace as I made my way over to sit beside Morgan who was stuffing her face with popcorn.

"Well, Steve doesn't need my help so I left early to see my favourite girls"He said ruffling my hair. I nodded and stuck my hand into the popcorn bowl.

"Hey save some for the movie" Pepper laughed as she took a picture of me and Morgan with popcorn in our hands. Morgan giggled causing me to smile.

"Sorry" my voice was muffled from all the popcorn I was trying to chew. Dad laughed and sat beside me,wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Morgan grabbed the remote and pressed play. The Disney castle lit up the screen with the classic music playing in the background.I let my head fall on dad's shoulder.

"Nemo again?" Pepper asked as I laughed and Morgan nodded.

"It's my favourite" Morgan said as dad laughed.

"That fish scares me actually.That and Toy Story" He shook his head with a fake shiver going through his body.

"It's just a fish"I said.

"Yeah a talking fish.What the hell is that about?"He asked as I laughed and cosied back into his side.

"Morgan likes it so that's final" Y/n said as the title credits showed on the screen. Finding Nemo.

Soon enough, halfway through the movie Morgan fell asleep. She always falls asleep during movies even though she promises to stay awake. I let my head fall back on my fathers chest as I closed my eyes.

Soon enough I fell asleep.

A little while later I could hear the sound of voices around me.I recognised them as my parents.

3rd person pov:

"This must be hard for her Tony" Pepper's voice was heard.

Tony sighed."I know.She so strong but you must remember shes a Stark and we never give up"

"I just don't want to see her go" Pepper's voice was short of a sob.She put her face in her hands as she wiped some tears. Tony's face softened as he gestured for her to sit beside him. She hugged his waist trying not to disturb Y/n.

"We won't lose her.She's our daughter and I'll do anything to keep her safe" He said kissing Pepper's head as she nodded against his chest.

She will get through it.

Because she's a Stark.

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