Chapter 4

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A/n:A bit of an introduction chapter this time. Enjoy lovely people.

"Hold me close and hold me fast.

This magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose.

When you kiss me, Heaven sighs.

And though I close my eyes, I see la vie en rose."

The lyrics of La Vie En Roses played through my earphones. It was a comforting pretty song about love. It calmed me down when I was sitting and doing my treatment. The only thing making the song sound a bit fuzzy was my chest vibrator helping with my breathing.

I sighed as the machine made my chest all fuzzy. It takes some getting used to. Yet, I grinned as my timer went off which meant I could take it off. I glanced out the window at the night sky. Stepping over and pressing my hand against the glass, my eyes captured a young couple beaming and laughing together as they fell into the snow.

Must be nice.

I eyed as the boy spun the girl around like this was some cheesy romance movie. And just like that, they both fell down on top of each other. I chuckled and shut my curtains.

The thought of fleeing this dump was always on my mind. What would it have been like if I didn't get sick? Would I have met someone ? Is there someone out there for everybody? Even sick kids?

I shook my head at those concepts and brought out my laptop. Figured I'd pass the time with a movie.

My eyes shut as I leaned my head back onto the pillows. I thought back to the boy from earlier. Maybe I should introduce myself. But from then, what would we talk about? How sick we are?

I sat back and positioned the laptop onto my lap. The screen lit up with my favourite movie "Pirates of the Caribbean. The curse of the Black Pearl". It was a fundamental favourite of mine. One year for Halloween, I made dad dress up as Jack Sparrow because he has a beard already. He protested at first then soon agreed. I have about ten pictures of him in the costume.

I grinned to myself at the memories and watched the screen light up. A knock at the door halted me out of my thoughts. Tanya peeped her head in with a smile.

"Hey." She whispered.

I gave a little wave.

"Just brought you your night time medication." She lifted the small cup of tablets. I nodded with a sigh as she set a glass of water beside me.

I went on watching the movie as she mended my bed sheets around me. Her eyes landed on the screen.

"Ah..Pirates of the Caribbean. A classic." She beamed puffing up a pillow. I nodded as I chuckled at Jack Sparrow's accent.

"Ya know. There's a new kid down the block. He got transferred from Miami hospital. I saw you earlier in the lobby." She gave me a little scolding look before I sat up clearing my throat.

"That's cool. "I spoke, picking at my nails. She nodded.

"Don't speak to him Y/n. I know how nosy you can get. It's not okay for you two to be confiding with each other. Your both not well enough." Tanya informed pointing a finger. I nodded and looked down with a sigh. I could feel the emotion on her face change.

She sighed and gave me one last smile before heading for the door.

"His names is Peter by the way. He seems like a nice kid."

I looked over and smiled. "Peter?" I whispered. Cute.

She saw my lovesick face and rolled her eyes playfully. "Get some rest. Please." She walked out, gently shutting the door behind her.

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