Chapter 3

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*4 weeks later*

Y/n's pov:

I heard a voice shaking me awake and my eyes opened to see Tanya.

"Hello Tanya" I grinned cheekily. I saw her roll her eyes. She had fully met me now and I had grown comfortable showing my cheeky side. I would refuse to take my medicine to which she would end up putting it in my food as payback.

The day I entered the hospital was supposed to be the day I get my Nasogastric Tube surgery. They fitted the tube into my nose and the wire was now in my chest. I wasn't allowed leave the room unless absolutely necessary. I groaned as Tanya took the warm sheets of my legs.

"Honestly sometimes I forget I'm minding a 17 year old not a toddler" She scoffed playfully. I laughed. Me and her had formed a sort of friendship over the last few weeks.

Dad came to visit me the day after I was checked in. He brought me my special teddy bear I've had since I was three and my favourite necklace he bought me for my birthday. It was engraved "I love you 3000"  on the front.

"Now let's get some breakfast into you" She said picking up a tray she left the other side of the room. I cringed. This hospital food sucked.

"Now eat your damn yogurt and drink some apple juice" She said pointing to it.

"Okay Tanya" I said as she laughed. I opened the yogurt packet as I set up my camera with my other hand. I had started a sort of blog about what's going on with me right now and a lot of people seemed to like it. I pressed record as I took a small breath.

"Hey guys. Tanya woke me up this morning with some lovely yogurt and apple juice" I said showing the camera the food and then pointing it towards Tanya who swatted it away. I laughed.

"She's a bit camera shy"

"Nope I just don't want you recording when your supposed to be eating your breakfast" Tanya scolded leaning into my side to talk to the camera.

"She loves me really" I said smiling. I pressed stop on the recording and set the camera down at my bedside.

"This yogurt sucks" I said with the spoon in my mouth as Tanya scoffed.

"This is a hospital and your in treatment Y/n. This isn't  no five star restaurant" She added cleaning up some clothes on the floor.

"Y/n Stark has been in treatment for the past few weeks. Tony Stark refused to talk at his last conference about his daughter's s health " The tv spoke faintly as it got my attention. I grabbed the remote and hired up the volume.

"Any comment about Y/n, Mr Stark?" A reporter shoved a microphone in my dads face. My dad ignored him and got into the car.

"We hope the young Stark gets better throughout her treatment" The reporter added. Tanya noticed my change in mood and quickly took the remote off me.

"Don't be watching that Y/n. It'll only make you feel worse" She said pressing the Tv to another channel.

I sighed." It's true though. I'm dying"

"Well when you say it like that. Have a little positivity Y/n" She said handing me my hairbrush.My hair was all tangled, she can predict the future.

"Thank you Tanya. Where would I be without you?" I asked cheekily.

"Dead" She replied bluntly as she heard out the door. That wasn't very positive.

I giggled as I opened my laptop, shoving the tray of breakfast onto the table beside me.I opened up my FaceTime and scrolled through the names. I pressed call on my best friend MJ's name.

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