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Later in the Evening

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Later in the Evening

I pack my belongings as the bell rings indicating the last period of the day has come to an end. Closing the art room, I lock the room. Tottering down the stairs, I went to the main office to handle the keys.

The cool air blows against my skin, causing a chill to run down my spine. The weather has been bipolar. I rapidly pull my sleeves over my hand to not allow the breeze to touch my skin, all the dark enigmas, recurring in front of my sights just the way it did that day cause a chill to run down my spine. I clutch my bag tighter to my chest to attain some warmth, but nothing helps. I look back to make sure no one is heeding me. I tiptoe to my path, making less noise as possible. I peek around the football field, which use to be so full of enthusiasm is now dead silent like a grave.

It has been an extended time since I crossed this area of our school. The place which was like a second home to me now haunts me the most.

The chilly breeze is making me shudder. I peek around to find not even a single soul. The whole school has got empty till now it's quite late for students to stay back some boys who play football or are entangled in extra courses are allowed. Unlike me who stays back to avert my existence. I glance around once again, to behold no one is there. After finding the path is clear. I began my journey again.

I feel sick of the feeling. I am used to suffering this way, but this night has something else, it doesn't make me feel nostalgic but a tickle in my stomach.

Ignoring all the sentiments, I drag my feet to keep strolling further through the bleachers, all the fuel has drained out of my body. After attending my last class of the day, I am heading back home.

A home is where you feel love

My footsteps halt as I heed some people chatting about the next football match. My heart rate has increased as I perceive their voices. Panic engulfed me as soon as I glance at the back to see the shadow of a few people in the dim light.

 Panic engulfed me as soon as I glance at the back to see the shadow of a few people in the dim light

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take it as a chance to escape from the harsh reality. I rush towards the school gate. My chest heaves up and down as I keep striding forward on the running track. I can hear people calling me but their voices go in a blur because of the air gusting past my ears as my feet keeps moving.

The wind blows past my skin seeping through my skin adding salt to my wounds.  The tears sting my skin as they cascade down my face.

Not knowing where to lurk I kept running, it has been year's since I last ran and now my breathing is hitched in my throat making it more difficult for me to breathe.

My tears have blurred my vision to such an extent that everything around me is black. My breath knocks out of my lungs when someone touches my shoulder. I jerk back and turn around, my consciousness making it's way back to me.

. " stay away" I sob " stay away or - I will shout," I tell him. Panicking I move backward shouting at him. " God calm down," he says coming towards me.

I can't let this happen, not again.

" stay away," I said showing him my keys. " ok I won't come near you just calm down," he said stopping. Adrenaline rushes through my whole body as the same scene goes through my head. I turn to the side of my dorm.

But what if he comes there too?

My heart rate hastens as I keep running on the track, going round and round. The sweat trickles down my abdomen, I can feel each drop fall down.

I am on the clouds
Up in the sky

Far away from home
Far away from home


" good morning dad "

" oh uh I told you it would be much better if you call me Daddy," he said making his way towards me, kissing my forehead.


I stare at the ceiling. The color of my room changing again and again. So I count and try to remember the pattern of colors. 



I messed up as he makes a sound, I am getting familiar too. So I start again as the ceilings color change


I stop on orange, everything around me is orange, orange, orange too much orange. I don't even feel as if I am alive. I can hear my breath mixing with his. The sour liquid reaches my throat,even it tastes like orange. Everything is orange. But I swallow it back, cause if I........

"God, I have been waiting for this time, since so long," he said, his breath smelled like a garage of cigarettes. I feel like puking, so I push him away but he is more stronger than I am, he doesn't budge.

I hate how my life is completely different from Anna's my best friend. How her father loves her, kisses her but on her cheeks not on her..........

Geez he isn't blind

" you ain - ain't blind? " I ask him choking on my tears which tend to blur my vision. 

" yeah, I am blind but only for this world, but never for you ".

" Stop " I yelled

" don't come near me "

" Please don't touch me"

" Leave me alone for God's sake "

"Please I am begging you"


" please " I shout before everything veers off.

News: a kinda short update

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News: a kinda short update. vote for Avery & ease her life.

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