chapter 62 sleep

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viggo:'at his desk,he was working on some papers,he had some difficulties ever since the dragon riders appeared,he had been really stressed'

ryker:'knocks on the door'viggo,you missed dinner,is everything fine?.....viggo are you ok?........viggo?

there wasnt a reply and ryker banged on the door very hard.

ryker: viggo grimborn open the door right now or ill break the door down!

there was still no reply.

ryker:'walks backwards then charges at the door,breaking it down'viggo!

viggo:'bumps,he had fallen asleep,and the noise woke him up'w-what?

ryker: viggo why didnt you reply?

viggo: i-i must have fallen asleep-

ryker: viggo,your overworking yourself now get your a## to bed before i carry you to your room.

viggo: im almost done,i just have to finish a few more papers.

ryker:'picks up viggo and slings him over his shoulder'

viggo: hey let me go! ryker unhand me! i am not a little kid! unahnd me right now!'squirms and kicks'

ryker: great,your acting like a cranky little kid who refuses to take a nap.

viggo: im not cranky!

ryker: you are cranky,your eyes are baggy'placed his little brother on his own bed,and puts a blanket on him'

viggo:'grumbles angerly'

ryker:'pets his head'goodnight little brother'walks out of the room'

viggo:'slowly closes his eyes,and soon he fell asleep'

(by the way,expect more oneshots about viggo and ryker,leave suggestions to what kind of oneshots i should do about the girmborn brothers?)

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