chapter 1

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My name is Mia but my best friend Josie call me doll. Me and Josie best friend since I can remember.
I'm in class at the back were i can look the Sky leafs falling from the tree. I don't pay attention class I just get distracted really easily. but I was also smart and book smart usually I just think about it I just want to get it over with the Day of school.
once I was done with my work I ask my teacher if I can go to the library which usually they said yes. As I'm walking into the library I'm also texting my friend Josie

Me: hey Josie I'm going to the Library did you want to come join me by any chance I'm starting to get bored in class.

Josie was those types to just got out class and not do work at all so I knew she was going to go with me regardless.

Josie: yes OMG Finally you asked I was starting to go to sleep already in class.

I rolled my eyes reading the text message

me: HEY I was just finishing my schoolwork unlike you.😪

Josie: yeah yeah yeah whatever I'll see you at the library😝.

After that I made my way to the library finding the table for us. there was already students in the library after minute she came by just to tell gossip. It's quite funny. but she always makes my day.
After of talking, playing video games it was time to go home. I usually walk home it's not that far from the school. as I'm walking home listening to music called Babydoll ari Abdul. i'm walking through my neighborhood passing by houses are as I'm walking towards my house I look by and there's two trucks right next-door I wonder who it. But I decided to wait till tomorrow I was too tired from school and walking as I walk through my door I see my dad watching TV he gets out early from work. " hi dad how was work?" as I greeting my dad i'm walking towards the up stairs. " Hi Mia it was good it keep me Busy. How about you; how was school" I know my dad is tired. after my mom passed away .he was always at work busy trying to make money for the both of us.but he tries his best and I'm grateful for that he always been there for me and he knows I always be there for him went he need help. " It was good. you know as usual I go to the library. but it was nice after all Josie was there but of course that girl do not know how to do her own work." My dad laughed " that girl something else" my dad said. I walk upstairs to my room getting into comfortable clothes. And when I was done I started to read the book called the mockingbird for an hour. I was already almost done with the book until I smell something so good. My dad cooks dinner almost every single day and it's really good once I run downstairs I go towards the kitchen and already my dad's done cooking. I get the table ready for us then we just served and eat. Once I was done I was already wanting to go to the park and swim in the lake but I usually do that on the weekends so I'm just go to the park and look at the sky. As I'm walking towards the door I yelled to my dad " DAD i'm going to the park"I was getting bored already" ok Mia just be careful "As I'm walking towards the door there's a knock. as I open the door slowly there was a man that I have never seen.
He had raven hair his eyes were like honey brown. I never seen eyes so beautiful as his as the sun hits his eyes so beautiful. His left arm had tattoos of roses were almost breath taking."hi I'm Joseph i'm your new next-door neighbor"as I was about to be lost in my mind I said " hi it nice to meet you" the my dad came around and smile hi are the new neighbor" " yes sir I am " Joseph said " would you like to come in " my dad said as shaking his hand "yes " Joseph going in.I start to walk out I tell my dad again " hey I'm going ok" I yelled " don't come back to late " " Okay "walking towards the park already.

Hi I just wanted to say this is my first time writing a book I hope you enjoy and I hope it makes sense for you to understand if not you can tell me but yeah enjoy

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