♡︎ chapter 5♡︎

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It's been one week since my interview at the club for the bartender. Waking up early in the morning the sun wakes me up through the curtains. I get up from my bed walking towards the window so beautiful.I would just stand there and just watch outside or read a book but I have to get ready today.

I've been talking to Mia's father (Sergio).me, and him have history we first met at college he was already together with his wife. we very close you can say we've been best friends since then, but all of a sudden I had to go back to My Home that used to be my kingdom. There is a war going on between the wolves, seems like they were growing, even though had to go far away, we still sent letters to each other over the years.

That wasn't until couple months ago he had sent me a letter he needed help. with his daughter I had seen her one time at the funeral when he needed me the most I was there for a week to comfort him that was when I met Mia for the first time, the little girl so close to her mother, it must've been so devastating. She wouldn't even look at anybody in the eyes, she was just behind of her father hiding.

she was brave, trying to hold back tears trying to be strong, but the look of her you could tell in her eyes a piece of her was gone that day I know because it had happened to me .

Sergio had told me that he's been having problems at work that he can't be there at his home to make sure his daughter is safe. He scared that something may happen so that's why he needed me so when I got there he ended up telling me he forgot to tell her about me.(which I don't blame him)👀. in which I had told him " how dare you? Am I not that interesting to talk about". of course him laughing" honestly quite easy to talk about. It's just that you are very intimidating."

Now that's not new. I can get that all the time. we have gotten so close. I have told him what I am. He said he was surprised when he first saw me again at the funeral. he brought me to a room because he thought something was going on with me strange.he said " it's like you haven't aged at all. how is this possible? What are you a vampire? I have heard of them, but I didn't think they were real just made up in the movies and books but you....."

At the moment I knew he realized why was it took him long time to accept but he did when we were in college, I did things I wasn't supposed. to protect he and his wife(Estrella). he put the pieces together. I didn't look like the vampires like in the movies with fangs ,pale skin, or shining in the sun.

Putting on my suit for the day it's gonna be long. I'm gonna be taking Mia to school that tease. but I guess I'll just have to get finished getting ready.

Hi fellow readers I just wanted to say that I am still very new to this. I do take my time to look over things and also to re-edit. I understand that my writing is very bad and also grammar but this is also for some people can also understand it too, if you have any questions, you can go ahead and ask me in any chapter. I will still look at them anyways y'all have a nice blessed day.:)

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