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< The beginning of the end >

Present Day | June, after high school

Nothing lasts forever. But this is getting good now.

Sapnap stares at the celling. The celling he's seen so many times, wether it's been because of innocent childhood sleepovers, after school football game parties, drunken and high nights, or after getting fucking railed by his best friend and ex.

It's not even his ceiling. It's not his bed. Not his room. It's not his. Not even the person laying next to him is his.

He's just seen this white plain celling way too many times.

And each time he does, he only seems to hate it more than he did yesterday.

He pants softly, his breath starting to come back down from its high. He doesn't know why he always comes back. For what? An orgasm that lasts a few minutes before having to go back and face the brutal reality. He should stop coming over. Should stop getting dicked down if it means he has to stare at this ceiling.

He turns his head to his left to meet eyes with the stupid blond who just rocked his world yet again. He didn't expect for him to be staring back already, but then again he also didn't expect to have sex with his ex so tonight just seems to be full of surprises.

They both continue to just catch their breath and stare. Stare at each other's swollen lips, rosy cheeks, sweaty foreheads, hair all messed up and pulled. But worst of all, they stare at their eyes. No longer blown out with lust and passion but now they seem empty.

And Sapnap could swear on his lucky stars that for a second, for just a brief moment. The taller's jade green eyes, flashed with the tiniest bit of love and care. Of flower fields and bright blue skies. Of honey coated kisses and warm velvety touches. But the moment he blinks, and looks back, it's gone. Just like their old relationship. Gone. No longer there.

"How did we get here?" Sapnap says.

Dream only chuckles. It's an airy laugh, one that holds so much more than just cheerfulness. It's dull in sapnap's ears for once.

"You're asking that after we had sex? My fucking cum is drying up in ur ass and you're gonna ask that?" He's blunt and it makes Sapnap internally cringe.

He huffs out, turning his head away before sitting up and reaching for his phone on the bedside table. Dream only observes.

Sapnap checks the time, 2:17 AM, it reads.

"Fine, i'll do my own after care then. You never were one to do that anyways," Sapnap says starting to get up, searching for his boxers that were somewhere on the floor.

Dream sighs, and rolls his eyes sitting up.

"Sapnap. That was once for fuck sakes, you can't be serious," Dream says and Sapnap doesn't waste his time, he only starts to pull up his boxers before going into the bathroom without saying a single word.

The blond runs a hand through his hair, biting his tongue as he thinks. He shakes his head, sighing multiple times before falling back onto the bed to face that same celling he's faced since 6.

He's always liked his room. It's his safe place, his place to be alone, and he hates people being in it. But Sapnap? He's always been the exception. So why does it hurt so much now to have him here?

He's never been the type to crawl back to their ex, but Sapnap always finds his way back. So maybe you could say Dream's the type to let his ex back into his life even though he's hurt him more times than he wants to admit.

It's like the ceiling judges him. He focuses on the white paint, the small bits of texture on it, but all he's able to see is him.

He can see their first date play out, he remembers it like it was just yesterday. Blue bonnets, his favorite, the small water creek that led them into a forest, the forest behind his house that they played pretend in as kids. They spent the day just roaming it together, talking about nothing and everything at the same time. Sharing sweet whispered kisses and holding hands like it was illegal. They were so young, so shy, so perfect.

Dream refocuses on the white paint. Blinking away any tears that threaten to spill. He tries to think of anything else, of anyone else but here he is again, thinking of Sapnap.

It's all he sees. His too good of a smile, his dimples that he loves to always look for, those eyebrows that he's kissed plenty of times. He can recall any emotion on his face. His happy grin, the one that is oh so contagious. His climax face, the one that could make him hard just by thinking of how he'd look under him, mouth agape and eyes rolled back. His hurt eyes that let out waterfalls when they shouldn't. Any emotion. You name it.

"I'm going home," Sapnap says finally coming out of the bathroom. He walks over to Dream's closet picking out some shorts and a random hoodie.

Dream sits back up at his words, "What?"

Sapnap throws on the hoodie before turning around to face him.

"You heard me." He says simply, heading for the bedroom door.

The blond gets up too quickly, almost tripping on a piece of clothing. He stumbles his way over to the door, leaning against it, preventing Sapnap from leaving.

"No you're not. It's late," Dream says looking down at him.

"Since when do you care?" Sapnap responds back quicker than Dream appreciated. But he's always liked his sassy side.

"Sap, don't start with me, just go back to bed, I'm tired." He says as his body grows cold from being butt naked.

"You're tired?" Sapnap repeats his words.

"You heard me." Dream mocks him by saying the same exact respond. It makes the shorter scoff before sitting down on the beanbag that laid in one of the corners of the room.

The taller mentally sighs before going to put some underwear on.

He does so, and then sits down on the edge of his bed, head in his hands. A thick tense silence rolls over them like fog. It's suffocating and it's loud. And it's not them.

"You're unbelievable Dream," The shorter says as he sinks more into his seat, the first tear of the night rolling down his cheek.

It stings Dream's heart to see those beautiful eyes get glossy because of pain that he's caused. He can feel his heart twist and shrink. This is what a heartbreak feels like.

"You say you're tired, yet here we are, after everything we've done to each other, here we fucking are, back in your stupid room. I hate this place you know that right?" Sap crosses his arms against his chest as he stares daggers into the side of Dream's face.

"You love it here," Dream says smiling softly, head still hanging low, staring at the carpet.

"That's why I hate it Dream." Sapnap says, a few sniffles and shaky breaths escape his lips. His tears only multiplying.

That silence rolls in again. But this time it's less tense, just louder.

The blond gives in first this time however.

"I miss you, you know? I didn't just call you over to have sex." He finally addresses the elephant in the room. Sapnap can't help but let out a quiet sob at the confession.

He shakes his head no, wiping away his tears with his sweater paws.

"I mean it this time Sapnap. I miss us. I miss you being mine, I miss our inside jokes, I miss you being my personal cheerleader at games, I miss taking you out, I miss your morning texts, I miss your body flushing with mine, I miss your smile, your presence, your cute reminders, I fucking miss you." Dream says locking eyes with him.

He knows that he's crying himself, he knows because he can feel the heavy tears fall onto his lap. He knows because Sapnap's eyes soften the way they do whenever he sees Dream cry.

"How did we get here?" They both say at the same time.

2:36 AM — Let's start from the beginning though.

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