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< No In-between >

Four months earlier | February, Senior Year

I said, "No one has to know what we do"

Thank everything and everyone that Valentine's day falls on a Saturday today. Sapnap wasn't looking forward to having to go to school and watch every girl, and every other guy, go for his boyfriend.

Sure their relationship has been a little rocky but nonetheless it's still there and standing and it'll continue to be there for Sapnap at least.

Dream on the other hand has become a little distant, more closed off, no longer the type to want to do something exotic at three in the morning. Now he's a, get some sleep sap, type of guy now. And although the shorter adores him for caring. Sometimes he misses the rebellious side of Dream.

And other times, he just misses Dream.

But today the blond swore to take him out to dinner and then he'd have a surprise for him afterwards, and he swore that today he'd make up for being so far away.

In other words, Dream felt guilty.

He loves Sapnap, of course he does, how can he not? It's just sometimes things get tough for him at home. And he doesn't want Sapnap to know about those things because relationships are supposed to only have good memories and have fun times and anything else is bad. That's what Dream thinks.

So dinner today sounded perfect. He already made the reservations a week ago. And he hopes it all goes well. He really does feel sorry for not being as attentive as he should be with his boyfriend.

Sometimes however, he wishes they were still just two best friends, in love with each other, in secret. Sometimes he wishes he would've never confessed. Wishes he would've just said no when Sapnap asked if he could teach him to kiss. Wishes he could've taken back the 'I think I love you' if it meant he never had to see the black haired boy cry over him.

But tonight isn't about him. It's about Sapnap.

Dream <3 7:35 PM
I'm outside whenever you're ready

Sapnap glanced at his phone as he fixed his hair in the mirror of his vanity. For the first time in a while, he genuinely felt pretty.

He wore something out if his comfort zone, but for a reason. It was a black skirt, with a deep red dress shirt tucked neatly into it. He wore his combat boots and socks that stuck out just over them.

He too had a surprise for his boyfriend. One he'd been debating for the past weeks. One that will change a lot of things.

He gave himself one last look in the mirror before grabbing his phone and running out his room, down the stairs, waving goodbye to his parents who were watching a movie in the living room with his two younger siblings.

He closed the door behind him seeing Dream leaning against the passenger door, ready to be a gentleman and open it for him.

"Hey..." Dream said, his voice quiet and breathy.

Sapnap stood in front of him, "Hi."

Dream stared, his lips were slightly parted and his eyebrows would knit together every now and then as his green eyes trailed up and down.

Everyday he swears Sapnap makes not loving him harder. He surprises him every single week, and it hurts like hell.

"Dream, I want you to break up with that boy. You're supposed to be a man not fucking date one! What do you think his parents will think of us? Of me? I'm already seen as the single pathetic Dad who lost his wife and daughter, I don't need to be seen as the Dad who lost his Son too!??" Dream's Dad yelled at him as he sat on their living room couch.

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