Chapter 10

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              I watched Sami get back on Moose for the first time in a month, and my knuckles were already ghostly white from gripping my chair so hard. And she's not even on. Crap. This is going to be harder than I thought... I couldn't even breathe as she walked away from the mounting block. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. I focused on my breathing, until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped, and spooked Moose. Sami yanks on his face and proceeds to shoot me a death glare. I turn around to see who it was, and there was Braden, standing there sheepishly. "Sorry?" He said blushing. Seeing him like this causes me to laugh a little, mainly from wondering how many things could possibly go wrong in one day. 

"It's cool. It's my fault, I'm just so on edge and fidgety today, you could have just walked up and said 'Boo' and I would have done the same thing." I said, sighing. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. He seemed generally concerned, which was a whole new territory for me. No one every thinks 'Daddy's little rich girl' has any problems worth caring about. 

"Well that horse, Moose? I started riding him like a month ago, because Sami took a break from riding him, and I fell in love with him. I adore him. And I made the huge mistake of letting myself get attached to him, and now Sami is back. I finally got him to start trusting humans again and now Sami is back and angrier than ever. I just feel so helpless. I want him to stop spooking and being crazy because it's just causing Sami to hurt him more, and I don't know what to do anymore. I know I probably sound crazy for caring about a horse this much, but I don't know what it is about him, I just love him." At this point I realized tears were starting to build up. Get a hold of yourself Taylor, he's just a horse. He's just a horse. "Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest. I know he is just a horse, so I sound crazy, but he's just a horse and I need to get over him." 

"It's cool. Sometimes you just need to rant a little." He said thoughtfully. He then leaned over and gave me a quick hug. "Sorry, thought you could use one." I smiled and nodded and hugged him back. "Hey if you ever need to talk again, here's my number. Call or text seriously any time of any day." With that, he handed me a piece of paper with a number written on it. Well at least something went right today. I couldn't stop the grin that snuck its way onto my face whenever I thought about Braden, or looked at the napkin. 


Sorry it's been forever since I updated, and now you get a crappy chapter :( I am having writer's block, and I am insanely busy because of shows starting up, and life is being life, so... Thank you all for all the votes and follows recently! It means A TON :D AND OVER 350 READS!!!! You guys are great! If you have an idea for the story message me, and if I like it I will include it and give you credit. Comment and vote!!! Thanks so much! 

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