Chapter 13

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A/N: Sorry for any mistakes I am going to try writing this on my IPhone😂
My phone whistles for what seems like the 8 billionth time today. I sighed, using all my will power not to go over and read those texts. Braden has been blowing up my phone all weekend, but every time I think I might just forgive him, the images go through my head of him kissing my sworn enemy. And that's when I push myself harder. And harder. Which is what I'm about to do. Since every time Braden texts, I go back to working harder, I am on my eighth ride of the day already and it's only 2pm. I gather my stuff and trudge on to the next one, trying to block it all out, when a voice rings out into the cool fall air. "Hey kid! Sami is going out tonight and I was wondering if you could hop on Moose for me?"
"M-m-m-Moose?" I manage to stammer.
"Yeah, is there a problem?"
"No not at all." I say, quickly composing myself and hurrying off to his paddock.

I feel the same upwards motion of his canter, I still admire the way the mane flops on his neck. I still loved this horse. Tara walked into the arena and raised all the jumps to 3'6 except one 2' vertical. "Hop over that warm up jump a couple times, then I want you to jump him around." I stared blankly at her in shock. She wanted me to do what?! Too scared to disagree and too determined to not let an opportunity like this pass me by, I picked up a canter.
After I warned him up over the small vertical, I took a huge breath and cued for the canter. Here goes nothing.

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