Chapter 12

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I landed on the ground with a thud. Face first, might I add. For the third time this week. I groaned and got to my knees, just to see the horse's bay butt galloping away. I could almost hear him laughing at me. Take on a new project, they said. It'll be fun, they said. I got up to my feet, and brushed myself off before going to retrieve my mount. I looked around, but couldn't hear the pounding hooves anymore. I spotted Andy in the corner, being held by a very amused looking Braden. "I see the new project is going well." He smirked.

"Shut up." I grumbled.

"At least there is room for improvement." He continued, ignoring my glares.

"Haha." I deadpanned, "Very funny. Give me a leg up."

"Wait, hold on. Are you hurt in any way?" He asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, my pride. I also think I may have lost my dignity on the way down."

"Cheer up, it'll get better." He gave me an award-winning smile, that somehow gave me the confidence to get back on the devil of a horse. I gave him a shaky smile and leaped onto Andy's broad bay back.


I swung my leg off of Andy's back, the ride ending somewhat successfully. I don't why the heck Tara bought this horse but I didn't see him ending up as a good investment. I walked alongside the large bay, watching him take relaxed, long strides. I felt some sort of inner peace watching him finally relax. I heard thundering strides from the arena I was walking past, and turned to watch. I froze, my eyes wide with panic, my heart dropping in sadness. I wanted to walk away but I couldn't stop watching. Moose held his head high, trying to avoid the bit that connected him to Sami, who was pulling back as hard as she could. I felt tears well up. He didn't deserve this. My heart gave another wrench as she jabbed him with her spurs. It took all my strength and willpower to close my eyes and walk away. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry over a dumb horse. I found my way back into the barn and quickly handed Andy over to one of the grooms.

I speed walked into one of the bathrooms trying to get a hold of myself before my next ride. As I walked down the barn aisle, I saw a familiar mop of dirty blonde hair. I stopped as I say my one and only best friend, kissing my sworn enemy. BRADEN IS KISSING MACKENZIE! I scream-thought to myself, this day just keeps getting better. I couldn't stop the intense pang of jealousy I felt, nor could I stop the intense flood of tears. I couldn't stop staring. As they broke away, Mackenzie saw me standing there, and smirked. Braden turned around, looking like a deer in headlights. "Taylor, why are you so upset?" He looked genuinely confused and concerned, and my sadness melted into anger.

"You're kidding, right?" I said trying not to stutter through my tears. "Don't even talk to me ever again." I started to walk away, turning into a run as he called out. I don't know why I was so upset over a horse, and a friend. Moose was only a horse, and Braden was only a friend. Well, ex-friend at that.

All I wanted to do was go home, eat ice cream, and watch Netflix, but I knew I couldn't. What I really had to do was throw myself harder into my riding. It was only 8:00pm, and I only had one left to ride, and he was one of my favorite projects. Star Spangled Banner, or "Banner" was a huge OTTB, at 17.2 hands and was probably World's Greatest Investment Horse. I quickly tacked him, eager to lose myself in my riding.

I walked Banner to the indoor ring, due to the quickly fading sunlight, and hopped on. I pushed him into the trot, feeling his back rise, and his head drop lightly into my hands. This is what I needed. I wasn't going to let any stupid horse, boys, or anyone or thing ruin this for me. I was going to work even harder. Everything happens for a reason, and now there is nothing to stop me from making my way to the top. Screw them all. Each and every one. I could do this. I was going to give them hell. And they won't even see it coming.

A/N: Here is the "frequent" update I promised! Sorry for cussing for those who don't like it, I don't actually ever use cuss words, but my fingers have a mind of their own XD. What would you guys think of different point of views? Comment your opinion on whether or not I should do them, and who they should be or message me :) Tbh, Braden was kind of a buttface in this chapter but that's ok. And also, I'm not really sure if I like this chapter... I am hoping I will update for your guys more frequently like I promised, but I am super busy, as always! You guys are awesome and keep voting and commenting!!!!

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