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Ryanera occurs to be practicing her knight skills which is what her father has been teaching her. She is very focused on what she is doing until a knock on the door startles her.

"Gods," she whispers under her breath shaking her head,

The door opens and it seems to be her father.

"Oh, hello father."
She smiled.

His face makes a cringe which makes Ryanera laugh.

"Is there something that you need? I am kind of busy."
She reaches for her cup of water.

"Ah, not from me Rya, but your mother."

Rya groans.
Ryanera and her mother didn't always get on the same boat. Let's just say she is more of a fathers girl.
"What does she want now?"

"There is an important event and you need to hear the information."

"Why can't I just hear it from you?"
Ryanera questions her father.

"Just do what she says, remember what happened last time?"

Jaime was referring to the time where Rya made Rhaena so mad to where her eyes were bright red, just like a dragon's eyes. That terrified Rya, she doesn't want to admit it though.

Rya threw her sword to the floor and took off some sweat with fabric and went on her way with her father taking her.

"Hurry up now, I can't keep the king waiting."
Jaime rushed his daughter playfully.

"Yes, mother?"
Rya asked.

"A good morning would be nice."
Rhaena gleamed slightly.

"Oh my apologies," Ryanera said being sarcastic,
"What is there to be needed? And good morning."

"The Starks will be arriving soon, not too soon but time will go against us."

Rya bites her lip with frustration.
"Okay? What does that have anything to do with me?"

"They are family."
Rhaena replied calmly.

"No?" Rya's voice got bolder, "They are Prince Aegon's and Queen Lyanna's family."

"My dragon, just because they aren't blood doesn't mean they can't be family, besides you haven't seen them since you were just an infant."

"Sucks that I don't care."
Rya is about to walk out.

Rhaena had enough.
"Ryanera Aura Lannister."
She said her full name, Rya knew her mother was serious.

Rya forms her fist then quietly exhales and turns with a fake smile.
"Yes dear mother."

"I want you to be ready right before the arrive, do you understand?"

Ryanera nods and turns around to exit the chamber, but reminds herself to ask a question.

Rhaena sighs.

"Is, Vera going to be there?"

Rhaena lets out a sigh then walks up to the daughter holding her hands.
"They are all going to be there. That means Vera, your aunt Cersei and-"

Rya gets quickly irritated.
"Ugh don't even say her name! She hates me and I hate her, the feeling is mutual."

Rhaena roams her fingers through her daughter's thin white-blondish hair,
"Even if that's true she wouldn't be able to lay a finger on you, and if she did, this place would burn to pieces bit by bit on my demand."

Rya understood,
"I'm so glad Vera is the only child."

Even though Ryanera could be a hard head when it comes to her mother, but they both still loved one another too much.

Rya hugs her mother.

A creek sound from the door occurs with it being Jaime.

"Aw, my girls are finally getting along."

Rya giggles.
"Shut up, father."

"Alright," he raises both his had playfully, "Rhaena, the king wants us all to meet in the throne room, immediately."

"Understood, let's go before he lights on fire."
She replied.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗨𝘀 | 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now