𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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"Willow, wake up

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"Willow, wake up."
Vasena patted her sister on the back.

Willow groans and puts a pillow over her head,
"Tell Aegon I will meet him in the garden later!"

"It's not Aegon, silly, the Starks are arriving soon and papa needs us to be presentable."

Willows's eyes open wide.
"T-the Starks?! They are here?"

Vasena gets annoyed.
"They will pretty soon, and their staying will be a while."

"Seven hells! This is Aegon's family we are talking about, I need to look as good as I can be if they are going to allow me and Aegon to still be friends."

Vasena let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?"
Willow snaps.

"They aren't going to determine your relationship status with everyone, they are just paying a visit."
Vasena assured.

"Oh, well you could've just said that."

Vasena rolled her eyes.
"Why are you so worked up about impressing them anyway? Is it Aegon?"
Vasena teased.

"Ew, V!" Willow denied, "Aegon is my best friend, okay?"

"That's the same thing you said about Rya."

Willow sat down looking at her mirror brushing her hair.
"I thought we left her in the past, V."

Vasena continued her bickering.
"You still see her in your sewing classes?"

"I skip them all the time, so no."

"Come on Willow, you should give her one more chance."

Willow looks at Vasena straight in the eye through the mirror.
"Never, her sudden anger and jealousy for Aegon was never valid. He didn't even do anything. She shouldn't take family for granted and that's what she did with me."

"Maybe if you talk to her you'll know more, if Aegon forgave her then you should too."

"Vasena, did you forget that she was speaking with the daughter of the person who brought down our families legacy?" Willow scuffed. "Not to mention she was doing it in secret."

"Willow, that's her cousin, you have to keep that in mind." Said Vasena.

"You don't know the full story." Willow turned back to her reflection brushing her hair.

Vasena tilted her head." What should I know?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." Willow continues to brush her hair.
"I see you and Daenerys have been hanging out a lot lately."

Vasena looks at her sister quickly.
"Yeah? So what?" She snaps. "I am her main hand maiden."

Willow laughs. "I'm talking about outside of that part, you guys hang out in the garden more than Aegon and I do, even Aegon noticed you guys."

"Well both of you should mind your own, nothing is happening between Daenerys and I."

They both hear knocking on the door.

Vasena is comfortable on Willows bed. She shrugs,
"Suddenly my legs don't work."

Willow rolls her eyes and gets up for the door.

The first person she sees is Aegon, with a tulip?

"Aegon, what is this?"
Willow chuckles being embarrassed.

"I-its a tulip, your favorite?"
He smiled.

Vasena gets up smiling.
"I don't know which one of you is blushing."

"Good day Lady Vasena, my aunt princess Daenerys and the rest of the handmaidens are waiting."

Vasena pats both on the backs,
"Thanks, and both of you need to look better."
She leaves, leaving the awkwardness between the two best friends.

"So what dress are you wearing?"
Aegon asked.

"Hm," she hummed, "might wear my sage dress with a tint of black"

"Those represent your house, aye?"

She nods.
She turns back to Aegon with his head low.

"What's wrong?"
She asked calmly.

"Oh it's nothing, it's just that, well.."

Willow chuckled.

Before Aegon could speak another sound from the door came, it was Elysian.

"Oh Uhm, Sir Elysian."
Aegon fixed his stance.

"Why good morning prince Aegon, and my beautiful daughter."
Elysian gleamed at both.

Willow fast walked towards her father and hugged him.
"Hello, papa."

Elysian side eyes Aegon.
"Your parents wanted me to walk you both to the throne room."

"Yeah of course."

Elysian leads the way for the prince.

Willow grabs Aegon's hand before they leave.
"Don't be afraid of him, he had always liked you." She whispered.

Aegon smiled then all of them left.

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