Chapter 14

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Last time on Another Sister...

The pink stopped at the top of the dome and pooled until it covered the whole thing. The surface went from black to white within just a few minutes, just like the mini dome had.

Maybe the big one will disintegrate too.


Reegan's POV

The white of the dome pulsed and buzzed over the town. A loud ringing soon followed, "What the hell is that?" Norrie asked to anyone who could answer

Movement behind us caught my eye. The church's steeple was shaking, "Holy... Look!" I got the others' attention just as the bell was sucked out of the structure and hit the dome. There, the metal object stayed, suspended over the town against the curved surface.

"Look out!" Joe yelled as we were all still focused on the bell, "Move!" He tackled the three of us to the ground as the remaining steeple came crashing down on the spot we had occupied

"Everybody okay?" I asked, dusting off the, well, dust and debris 

"Yeah," came three breathy replies. As we rose from the ground others were dropping around town. It didn't look like anything else was happening, no more buildings exploding or anything like that. People were just collapsing out of nowhere

"That can't be good." I sighed, eyes wide

"I have to find my mom." Norrie was, understandably, freaked

"We told her to stay low," Joe reminded her, "She should still be at home."

"Let's go." Angie urged us and we ran down the streets toward our house. Before we'd even stepped foot on our property we had to stop as our mailboxes were pulled from the ground and barreled toward the dome wall. Following that were the larger pieces of farming equipment we kept on the lawn. 

The dome wall, the exact space we'd seen a cow get chopped in half just over a week ago, was covered in junk pulled from all over. We started running again, realizing the house wouldn't be safe for anyone right now, not with all the heavy shit that could get thrown around. 

Norrie led the charge to find her mom and get her outside. We found Carolyn unconscious on the kitchen floor, "Oh my, God!" Norrie lunged forward

Just before she got to Carolyn, the whole pot rack - pots and all - was pulled off the wall. It was flying right toward our heads, "Watch out!" I yelled and we all ducked just in time as they flew over us

We crouched down beside Carolyn, Angie checked her pulse, "I think she hit her head." Norrie told her

Angie got up and ran to the sink for a dishtowel. While she did that, the three of us on the ground tried to move Carolyn a bit, just a start at getting her out of the house, "Get down!" Angie screamed across the room.

Thank God she did because just as we hit the deck, all the knives were pulled from the block, embedding themselves in the wall above our heads, "Holy shit!" I breathed

Angie rejoined us on the ground, none of us venturing to stand straight until we were clear of danger, "Let's get her up," Joe said as he lifted Carolyn's legs gently from the ground, "Ready?" But the dome had other plans. Just as we were ready to carry her out, the fridge fell over and nearly crushed us, "Look out!"

"Through that door!" Angie pointed to our only way out. Before we could move even an inch in that direction the metal standing shelf slid to just perfectly block the door. After that, the radiator was ripped from its mounting and flew to lock the shelf in its new spot

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