Chapter 4

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Reegan's POV

Fuzzy. That is the only word I can use to describe how I am feeling right now. I slowly open my eyes and lift myself off of the floor and onto the couch where Joe and Norrie are already seated. Norrie's mom comes over to the three of us with a blonde woman, probably Norrie's other mother. The blonde starts shinning a flashlight in our eyes. "How do you guys feel?" she asks after a few minutes of running whatever tests shes doing.

"Fine, I guess," I answer

She nods, "Has this ever happened to you before tonight?"

I look over to Joe for him to answer, he sighs. "Reegan and I both had seizures yesterday.

"Did it ever happen before then? Is there a history of epilepsy in your family?"

"It never happened, and there is no history," I tell her

She nods, "Well, everyone get to bed. We're taking you to the clinic tomorrow."

Joe and I spend a bit of time trying to convince Ben to go home before going to our rooms. I change into my pajamas and sit on my bed, not truly ready to go to bed just yet. I grab my book off of my bedside table and start reading from where I left off. After some time Joe and Norrie walk into my room. "Why are you still up?" He asks me

I set my book off to the side, "I could ask you two the same question."

"Touché, Reegan. Touché ."

"Why didn't either of you tell me about your seizures?" Norrie asks

I roll my eyes a bit, "Because that's something that comes up so naturally in conversation."

Joe nods next to me, "Besides it's not like you said anything to us about your's."

She sighs, "Okay, you're both right. Do you think this means anything?"

Joe and I shrug, "Hard to say, at least until your mom gets those tests done tomorrow."

The three of us decide to hang out in my room for a bit, talking about random things until each of us fall asleep. In the morning I wake up to find Norrie asleep on my beanbag chair in the corner of the room, and Joe on the floor next to my bed. Feeling a bit mischievous, I grab my pillow and smack him across the face.

He jumped, "What the hell Reegan?!" he asks.

"Payback for waking me up at the asscrack of dawn the day of the fire." I tell him, a smirk etched on my face.

"Could you two shut up?" Norrie says annoyed, slowly getting off of the chair.

"Kids breakfast." We hear Carolyn yell, they leave so I can get dressed. We each leave our rooms at the same time and walk down the stairs together. We are greeted by the dining room table set with breakfast.

I look over to Joe, "I can't even remember the last time we actually set this table."

"Neither can I."

The three of us sit around the table and begin eating, "So how are you kids feeling?" Carolyn asks

"Fine." Each of us answer at the same time.

Norrie's other mom sits down next to Carolyn, "Oh I guess with everything that happened I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alice." She extends her hand out to Joe and me, which we shake.

"I'm Joe, and this is Reegan."

"It's nice to formally meet you both."

Carolyn speaks up, "Okay, hurry up and eat. We need to get to the clinic early, who knows how crowded it is with everything that's happening."

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