Chapter 9

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Reegan's POV

"Joe, Reegan, I'm heading to the diner for a few hours could you two please go outside and catch a chicken for tonight?"

We nodded and headed towards the coop, "Welcome to farm kid life." I smirked, patting Norrie mockingly on the back as she stared in what could only be explained as disbelief

Norrie and I watched as Joe hunched over and stalked slowly up to his prey, "Now, Norrie," he began, "there's only one rule when it comes to catching a chicken."

"And that is?" she quirked an eyebrow

"It ain't easy." I grinned

"Yeah, but you have to kill it." she pointed out, "I think they're kinda cute."

"Just don't think about that when you eat dinner tonight." We laughed as Joe lunged at the chicken, and failing miserably at catching it.

"So when your apparition told Julia that the 'monarch will be crowned', what do you think it means?" she asked reminding us there were bigger things at play

"Guess someone in here gets to be king."

"Or it could have something to do with those monarch butterflies that were outside the dome three days ago." I proposed

"We should go back to the mini-dome. See if we can get your apparition to explain himself."

"After we catch dinner," he told her, his voice low with determination. He made another attempt on the bird, resulting in yet another face plant into the dirt. He groaned and punched the ground making Norrie and I laugh at his frustration


When we eventually did manage to catch something, we went inside. Norrie went straight upstairs to check on Carolyn while Joe and I went into the kitchen to get a drink. I heard the front door open, "Joe? Reegan?" It was Julia

"Kitchen," I called. She walked in looking flustered, "What's up?"

"The mini dome is gone."

My eyes widened as I turned to Joe, "Hey, Nor, you may wanna come back down." he yelled as we walked back through the house

The red-head appeared at the top of the stairs, pausing to take a glance around the room, "What's going on?" we filled her in, "The mini dome is gone?"

"No mini-dome. No egg. Just a pile of leaves and a hole in the ground." Julia sighed, "You guys didn't move it did you?"

"No." Joe told her, "Why would we?"

"How would we?" I mused

"I don't know, but we need to find it again."

Norrie took a seat on the stairs, "I just wish my mom was still here to help us." he started playing with her necklace, "I can't believe she was alive just two days ago."

"How's Carolyn doing?" Julia asked her softly

"She's still grieving."

"Should you stay with her?" Joe asked gently

She shook her head, "We had a long talk this morning. She said she just needs some time alone, and," she rose to her feet, "I need to do this."

The door opened again, this time it was Angie who came in, "Hey..." she seemed kinda spacey

"Hey, Ange."

"You... look like crap," I noted with a small smirk

"Thanks." sarcasm filled her tone, "I just- I just had a seizure at the diner."

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