Chapter 8

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Reegan's POV

I woke up to an empty room, Joe and Angie were gone. I looked at my alarm clock, "Nine o'clock? Why am I the only sane one in this family?" I grumbled. Begrudgingly, I pushed off the covers and got up to start the day.

Voices carried up from the kitchen as I walked down the stairs, "Too busy with your new girlfriend to go shopping?" Angie teased Joe, neither one of them noticing my standing in the doorway

"Norrie's not my girlfriend. She's just my girl, space, friend." He told her

I laughed, alerting my siblings to my presence, "Yeah, your 'girl, space, friend' that I found you making out with against the dome yesterday." I leaned against the doorway

"Joseph!" Angie gasped before laughing 

"Moving on." Joe tried to change the subject, "How could I go shopping? The stores have all been looted. Everyone's running low on food."

"You could've taken something too," she suggested

"That's stealing," he told her, sounding like a small child

"Duh," I muttered to myself

"You've never stolen anything?" Ange asked him

He shook his head, no surprise there. Then again, neither of us had. "No. Have you?" He already knew that answer, we both did. I was sure he just wanted her to say it herself

"Of course, dummy." she teased, "Duke caught me stealing lipstick at Dee's Pharmacy. That's why I started candy striping. Community service."

"You're a great role model, you know that Ange?" I smirked

She smirked right back, "And yet, you two are still goody two shoes."

"Where were you all week Angie? " Joe spoke up, "We looked all over for you. The only person who said he saw you was Junior."

She stayed quiet for a minute before sighing, "Well, are you that surprised I disappeared? I'm the screw-up right?" she shrugged sadly

"We never thought you were a screw-up," I told her sincerely

She wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Let's go down to the diner. We can get something to eat there." she directed me towards the door

When we had it to the front door Joe suddenly said "Hey," I turned to see Norrie standing at the top of the stairs, "how are you feeling?"

"Well my mom just died like twelve hours ago, so how do you think?" she snapped

"Sorry," Joe looked down to his feet, unable to look her in the eye, "We're going to the diner to get something to eat. Do you want to-"

"Not hungry." she cut him off

I stepped up, "Nor, don't you think you should-"

"I don't need either of you to take care of me." she snapped again before turning around and going back upstairs

"Come on." Angie ushered us out the door. 

I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the morning sun. I looked around my front yard, something was different. A good twenty feet from the door was a mound of dirt accompanying a deep hole in the earth; Alice's grave. I gaze met Barbie's as he poked his head out of the hole. I waved lightly, he just nodded grimly.

"Hey, Julia we're heading over to the Sweetbriar for breakfast," Angie told the approaching redhead

"I can take you."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I could use something to eat too." The five of us piled into Julia's car and began the drove off toward the diner

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