Part 1

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Yuu knew what he had to do. Get in, make sure Kumagami and Nao were okay, find a way to rescue them and get the hell out. If anything went wrong he had Shunske's time-leap to depend on. Shunske knew that Yuu would be fine. Right? 

Medoki could tell how nervous Shunske was with the tapping of his foot. She put a reassuring hand on his back. "Don't worry too much Shunske. Yuu knows what he has to do and what to do if he happens to fail. Everyone will be getting out alive from this one." Shunske took a deep breath and nodded. "I know. He'll be able to do it." Shichino let out a scoff in the background, "You guys expect too much from that selfish brat." Maedomari quickly turned. "Shichino! Don't say that!" 

"But I'm right aren't I? He's so selfish I bet if anything went wrong he'd only protect himself. Someone tell me I'm wrong!"

The room went silent as none of them had really known Shunske's little brother to reassure everyone that he'd protect everyone else except himself. Shunske shook his head as he got up slowly, "No Shichino, I can't say he'll protect everyone and die. But we have to trust him." 

Before anyone else could agree or refute a loud crash was heard in the distance and a rumble shook the place. No one had to wait for instructions. Maedomari and Shichino ran towards the entrance while  Medoki lead Shunske out. Shunske had considered everything right? He had considered every possibility of something going wrong and Yuu would use the time-leap to jump back and tell everyone that the plan didn't work. Nothing should've been wrong right? Once they arrived at the scene they were faced by a horrible situation. 

The building had demolished and Yuu's screams rang out in the place. "Yuu!" Shunske yelled as he heard the despairing screams of his brother. The first thought that popped into the mind of all of them was 'Kumagami and Nao are dead an he's screaming about their deaths', even Shunske thought that. But those thought were refuted with the new scenario.

Yuu Otosaka was  trapped under a large pile of rubble and it was evident he was losing blood. Fast. Instead of what everyone thought he would do Yuu had his telekinesis activated and was holding up the blocks that were above Nao's and Kumagami's heads. "Yuu! Cast the blocks aside! It'll put less strain on your body!" Kumagami's voice had an infinite amount of worry in it as he tried to get out from the place. "Yuu, Kumagami, Nao!" Shunske's voice rang out and Yuu turned to see his big brother desperately trying to feel Yuu. "Niisan, you're finally here..." Yuu made a gap between the blocks he was holding up, "Hurry, get them out so I can put these down." The other three immediately took action, pulling out Nao then Kumagami. "Niisan, I did it. I saved them. I wasn't selfish..." Shunske finally found Yuu and was met with a slimy puddle under his hand. "No, Yuu. Yuu! You'll be fine, okay! Just hang on a bit longer, we'll get you out of there!" With Nao and Kumagami out Yuu released his telekinesis with a heavy breath. "Sorry, I tried to jump, but my eye was injured. I wasn't able to-" Yuu started to cough out blood that landed on Shunske. "No! Don't talk anymore! We're almost there you-" 

"Thank you, Niisan."

As the three finally reached Yuu, he gave out. His breaths became shorter and his eyes were no longer open. Yuu had contradicted all of their thoughts and they all repented for thinking like that.


And that's it. This is my very first fanfic so thank you for reading and I'll see you next chapter! I appreciate criticism and ideas, everything is welcomed. Bye-bye Darlings.

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