About Me

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Hey, so I'm Sunshine! Let's talk a bit about what I can/cannot review, as well as what I expect in return. Please do not submit forms here. They will be deleted.


I am currently in my final year of my master's degree in clinical psychology! I absolutely love dogs, I love singing (I have performed in musicals, and I compose/record siren songs for ambient purposes and film purposes), and I read a lot. No surprises with that one, I suppose! 

Here is a link to some of my siren songs! 

In terms of reviewing, I can safely say I've written over 100 reviews for Wattpad. Because I'm crazy. So I've done a lot of it! That being said, I am a polite reviewer. I mean, come on--I have feelings. And I'm pretty sure most of you have feelings, as well! When I write a review, I will do my absolute best to be gentle and polite, and I promise to treat your stories with the respect they deserve. 

But I am critical and I am tough. I will point out really miniscule things if they bother me. So be prepared!

I will read all chapters of your story that are available. The plan is to set a limit of twelve requests before closing for catch-up again.


I like to look at the following:

- Grammar + Punctuation.

- Writing Style.

- Plot + Originality.

- Characterisation.

- The Blurb.

If there is something pressing you that you'd like me to look at, mention this in your form.

STATUS: CLOSED FOR CATCH-UP. I am currently not taking anymore requests until I finish reviewing the books on my current waiting list.


I will review almost everything under the sun. Almost.

- Make sure it's fictional! I've once been asked to review someone's book of graphic designs and I was genuinely mystified?

- Please make sure it's in English! Stories written in the national dancing noodle language are also accepted.

- I will not review: erotica, poetry, fanfiction and non-fiction.


Okay, I put a lot of heart into my reviews. A lot of it. I read your whole story, so it would mean a lot to me if you did the following:

- Follow me. You can unfollow once you receive your review. If any notifications/delays happen, I need to make sure you have means to see it.

- Please check out 101 Writing Tips from an Exhausted Reviewer! It's on my profile page, and I think it is quite helpful while waiting for your review! Please leave some sort of indication that you've been there.


I'm still learning, too! If you have feedback for me, whether this be positive or not, please feel free to comment it on this page for myself and other potential writers to see!

Sunshine's Review Store [CLOSED FOR CATCH-UP]Where stories live. Discover now