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           Plangent voices struck Aria's ears as her classmates rocked their whole classroom when their adviser passed the waver regarding their study-tour in Baguio the following week, as the head teacher signed the letter for almost a month already after its submission in the office. Aria is not a typical rich girl born with gold spoon but rather a simple province girl satisfied with just having complete three meals a day. Her family does not hold such luxury, having her mother as a municipal officiator and her father with more or less a hectare of corn field.

Questions always linger within her mind every time she tends to be alone. In fact, she's always alone, not having anyone to talk to but her mind alone. Having the fact that she's the so-called 'low-class girl from sitio Cala', her fellow classmates would always tend to give her names that she doesn't even know where it's from.

Noon has come, taking the usual route from school to home, she started walking slowly as though she wasn't yet in the state of going home.

"Going home?"

A sudden exhibit of a tall-skinny guy made Aria flinch and stopped from her tracks as she held her chest as though her heart would directly drop if she didn't do so.

"Obviously." she answered shortly, just as that.

"Alone?" Again he asked as he began to walk along and just answered him with an 'obviously-look'.

Aria, she's a well grown lady, a not-so-perfect body but can guarantee curves, a long raven hair, tanned-skin, a typical structure a province girl usually don't have. Any man could be attracted with such charm, and Aria, as unaware as she is, guys from her not-so-big school had been aware of her natural built charm and Chester wasn't any exemption.

Chester, on the other hand, is a 'natural-born god of charms' as how he always address himself, he's incredibly tall and skinny, fair white skin, high nose bridge and his eyes paired with thick brows, a typical dream guy a girl would have. Though the looks of him, at least he's not 'yet' full of himself as Aria would always thought, 'we never know when a person would change.' Chester is a heartthrob in school, after being discovered a week later after his transfer in Aria's school, unknowingly, he become the so-called Heartthrob which in fact, Aria didn't care at all.

It wasn't long before they have come to realize they were neighbors. Aria never would have thought of having to interact with their school heartthrob as her classmates would surely make a big fuss if they'll find out about the little information. In addition, Aria would always sense some kind of mystery with Chester's personality as he would just appear out of nowhere, disappear with just a blink and all. She wouldn't know if it was just her or what, but at the end of the day, she would still end up seeing Chester as a structure of mystery.

Wordlessly, he stopped from his tracked and abruptly shouted as though he remembered something which made Aria, yet again held her chest, turning to glare at the guy behind him.

"My chest!" with a glare she shouted as he just glanced at her.

"Yes, my Aria?"

Having to realize what the guy just said, without noticing, the guy had already ran far way distanced from her, teasingly waving as he completely disappeared from her sight. Rolling her eyes, she slowed her pace and started walking with the usual speed as she was yet again lost in thought, alone.

Chest is a shortened name of Chester which had given by his close friends. Chester, he's not that of a hard guy to be attached with having his bright-gloomy personality, plus his appeals, he would've been perfect. But Aria, unaware of why she has not, all those times charmed by Chester's presence. She can't say they're close thus, she can say they're close enough to talk casually. Well, consequences says it all. She had been thinking of all the possible reasons of why she had not been struck with his charms, but with all her thoughts, one thing had just remained still, 'maybe, it's not yet time. Maybe, he's not the one.'

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