Chapter 1: A Weird Feeling

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Luke's POV

"Thank you, we're The Phatoms!" I say to the applauding audience.

"Tell your friends." Reggie chimes in. I couldn't help but glance over at him as he smiled at the crowd. He had the cutest smile. It was warm and bright, and you couldn't help but smile at his smile.

We poof back stage and start putting our equipment away.

"You guys were awesome." Willie says, coming up to us. "Escpically you babe." He says, kissing Alex's cheek.

"Get a room." I tease.

"Boys, you were amazing out there!" Caleb says, coming up to us. He was basically our manger, but he was way more than that. After we stayed in that black room for what we found out was twenty five years, we appeared here. He took us under his wing, letting us stay at his club. He gave is a second chance at being a band, to play for people. That's a gift no musician would ever turn down. His only rule was that we weren't allowed to leave the club, and we never have. We never had a reason to. "You amaze me everytime you play. Well, you have the rest of the day off, I'll see you boys later."

Caleb walls off leaving just me, Alex, Reggie, and Willie again.

"Wanna go hang out babe?" Willie asks.

"Yeah, sure." Alex smiles, hugging Willie and kissing the side of his face.

"Stop, you're making me feel single and lonely." Reggie says.

"Oh, but you're not alone." I say. "Cause we always have each other."

"You know what I mean." Reggie says, trying to hide a smile.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Well I'm single and lonely too. What do you say we be single and lonely together?" I say.

Regie smiles and shakes his head. "Sure, I'd like that." He says.

"Alright, well me and Willie are gonna go, so you two have fun being single and lonely together." Alex says and they poof of somewhere in the Hollywood Ghost Club to be alone.

"Hey, uh Reg, I actually wanted to ask you something." I say. There's something I've been keeping on my chest for awhile now, and I needed to get it out. I just couldn't go on without saying it, and I knew I could talk to Reggie about this because he was the best listener.

"Um, uh....yeah sure." He says, acting all weird again. Lately when it's just me and him together, he's been acting kinda akward, but I just shrugged it off as normal Reggie behavior. But the more it kept happening, the more I wondered if there was something going on, but that's not what I wanted to ask him about right now. "Anything, what's your question?"

"Um, well recently I feel like we've been missing something." I say. "I don't know how to explain it, but whenever we perform I feel like there's this... this hole. Even our name doesn't sound right, The Phatoms. It feels like there should be something in front of it or something. I don't know, I probably sound crazy."

"Actually, no I get what you mean." Reggie says. "Its almost like a feeling that something just isn't right. Like something's off."

"Exactly!" I say, happy to see he understands me. When I went to Alex about this he said it was all in my head. "And sometimes in my dreams, I hear this voice, one I've never heard before. I could never forget, it's so angelic and beautiful."

"A voice?"

"Yeah. This girl sings. Reggie her voice is amazing."

"Maybe this girl's your soulmate." Reggie say. I found that hard to believe. I had bad luck when it came to love.

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