Chapter 4

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Addisons POV

She's married and I threw myself out there like a whore. I'm utterly embarrassed hence the reason I'm in this bar getting drunk off my ass.  "Well hello there beautiful. Wanna dance? I'm Robin. " I look over to see a guy staring at me. He's not half bad, he's not her, and maybe that's for the best. I shrug before taking another shot. I sit there continuing to take shots as he keeps getting closer, it's not long until he's kissing my neck and squeezing my arm. It hurts and I'm not enjoying this whatsoever. I push him off when he pushes himself against me. "Stop it Robin. Stop." I'm trying to push him off me when all of a sudden he's shoved off me. I turn around to see the Sheriff and Regina standing there. "Robin get the hell out of here and if you ever come near her again I'll make your life a living hell." I watch as he gulps at Regina before she grabs my arm and drags me out the back of the club. "What the hell Regina? Let me go." I pull away from her as she pins me against the wall. "I don't love him. We are married out of a convenience to our families. I don't want him and this is why I didn't want to cross the line with you. Because you deserve more and I can't give you that." I understand her but I don't want to listen. I go to push off the wall when she pushes me back. Her hand is on my waist and her mouth by my ear. "Stop Addie. Just stop." I look up to her and the tension could be cut with a knife if someone tried. Her eyes shift between my lips and my eyes when she leans in she stops waiting on me to finish it. "Let me have you Addison, just trust me. Despite everything else trust me." I look away from her and I'm fighting what I want to do, what I shouldn't do. I can't kiss her. "Doctor," she pulls my chin towards and proceeds to rub my face onto my neck. "Let me take you. I'll make you forget it all." It's then that my willpower fails, I quickly grab her and crush my mouth against hers. It's fierce and rough and burning. She rubs her hands down my body and somehow my mind registers what's happening when my body can't. "Stop Regina." She pulls back to look at me and what she sees is the same thing I see. "I can't Regina, you should've told me. Instead you withheld it. I   can't right now. I need time." I watch as she nods before pulling me to her one more time, her lips timidly touch mine. It feels like she's giving my mouth a hug. I moan into her and pull her close to me. "I'm sorry Addison I really am." I kiss her before walking off away from her.

Regina POV

It's been a week since that night outside the club and I see Addison but she doesn't stop to talk to me. According to Emma, Addison became friends with Mary Margaret and according to her Addison's upset over someone and apparently is embarrassed and says she put herself out there like a whore just to be made a fool. My relationship with Killian is something Addison doesn't need to worry about, my parents are gone and he and I had already decided to get divorced before she even came a long. I'm sitting in Granny's when I see Mary Margaret and Addison walk in. She's laughing and looks fantastic, I proceed to check her out when Ruby clears her throat to hand me my drink. "Why don't you just ask her out Regina? It's clear you're interested and it's clear she likes you. Anytime the door opens when she's here she looks up and i have a feeling she's looking for you." I scoff at Ruby when I make eye contact with Addison, I smile at her as she looks away and then back at me. I quickly wink and I watch as she turns red. "Miss Lucas I just want to be friends with her, she would make a really good friend that is all."  She walks away and I watch Addison. She seems better and I'm glad. I just hope she's actually better. It's then that Killian enters in and finds me. I remain seated but stick out my hand. "Hello Regina, how are you?" I look past him a little to see her watching. "I'm okay Killian, what did you want?" He scoffs lightly. "I need money. I kind of lost some and I just need some to pay someone and then I'll Be out of your hair." I look at him flabbergasted before looking at her. Killian turns around to see her and looks back around at me. "She's a pretty little thing Regina, no wonder you're so uptight all the time now. You can't get her." I roll my eyes and reach into my wallet. "How much? Also I can get whoever I want Killian." He laughs before looking back at her to see her look up at us. "Wow, her eyes. She looks good for you. 900. Thank you Regina." I hand him the $900 and remind him that we have to meet tomorrow to sign the papers and he nods enthusiastically. I watch as he's leaving and stops at the door, looking around the diner. It's only Addison's group and I in here so when he says it everyone passes it off as drunk Killian again.  Everyone but Addison. "She's all yours. Go get her." I roll my eyes and look down. I wait a few minutes before looking up to see her looking at me. Her stare is a lot to handle, the tension, it's palpable. I quickly stand and walk to the bathroom. I pop a few buttons on my shirt and splash some cold water onto my neck. Why does she have to look at me like that? I look up in the mirror to see her leaning against the wall.  "What did he mean? Was that your husband? He knows?" I look at her through the mirror and it's then that I appreciate what she's wearing. An off white sleeveless dress with a plunging neckline. "Yes he knows, we've been in the process of a divorce for months now and he knew saying that would provoke me in an innocent sense and I think to let you know I was free." She walks closer to me and stops directly behind me, so close my back is touching her front. She moves hair back and breathes into my ear so softly, so tender that I gasp. I lean my head back into her as her hand moves to my hip, "Regina I can't play with you. It hurts too much. I need to know what you want."  I push myself into her more and she gasps. "You, Addison, I want you." It takes one moment for things to change, one moment. In a second I went from leaning my head against her to sitting on the sink with my leg wrapped around her. Her hand is in my hair and our lips are so close to touching. "Please.." i whisper it in this quiet space between us and she groans before crashing down on me. All you hear are soft moans and our bodies crashing against each other. She makes her way down my neck and I moan out at the way her tongue feels and I imagine it's feels very amazing in other places. She manages to push me flush against her as her hand finds my ass. She moans softly before pulling back. "I have to head to work Regina, I want to stay here but I have to go." I kiss her quickly and let her go. I quickly fix myself noticing the hickey she left on my neck. Well I'll have to fix that when I get to the office.

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