Chapter 5

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Addisons POV

Word around the hospital is that the mayor has been in a pissy mood all day and has snapped on everyone besides her now ex husband. She apparently came here only to find out that the papers regarding adding a separate wing for the hospital were not only lost but not even worked on like discussed according to the nurses. Rumor is her assistant went home after  Regina got onto her and sent her home for the rest of the day, also according to nurses. Even the sheriff won't come near her right now.  And seeing as how I drew the short straw I have to now deliver the said paperwork to her because I'm leaving out anyway and no one else wants to be near her. As I walk up to the mayors office door I can hear her yelling at someone and I watch one of the "dwarves" as  Ruby calls them come scrambling out the office. I open the door and close it when she yells, "Leroy, what could you possibly want now?" She's definitely angry. "Well Miss Mills, I don't know what he would like but I do know what I'd like." I watch as she looks up and then back down flipping through paperwork, clearly looking for something. "Not now Addison. I'm busy. Just not now." I look at her as she continues searching. "Well.." I begin to speak when she interrupts me, "Addison Fuck I said not now!!" She yells it and part of me is shocked and hurt but another part is angry. "Listen, I'm not other people you will not talk to me that way! Get your shit together Regina. You're absolutely infuriating and clearly acting insane today." I watch as she walks around to me and is practically seething. "Excuse me?! I said not now and you didn't listen. You are the infuriating one and It's frustrating." I step closer too as we just stare off. It's like the tension in the room is just escalating. "I brought you the paperwork from the hospital, next time be more hospitable and I might be nice back." I push the papers into her chest and she grabs my hand. I look at her and within a minute she's thrown the papers across the room and pushed me back into the door assaulting my neck with her teeth and lips. "You're maddening Addison. Beautiful but maddening." I quickly pull away from her and I watch as she just looks at me. "You don't get to treat everyone like shit because you're frustrated and then take it out on me, and just because there's all this... tension around us, decide to just act like it didn't happen and kiss me." She goes to speak when I stop her again. "I understand there's pressure and you're the mayor, I understand shit happens and that we all have bad days. But we ALL have bad days, don't make doctors, nurses, shit even the Sheriff's job harder." She takes a step back and smooths out her pantsuit and fixes her hair. "You're right Addison, I apologize. Although if people did their job I wouldn't have to resort to being harsh. There's a certain, regality, that comes with this job. I'd prefer if I only had to be harsh when it comes to personal matters but also at the same time I'm fine with being "evil" as some say." I look up when she stops talking to see her staring at me warmly. I allow myself to soak up the way I feel when she looks at me like that, when it hits me. "Personal matters? You act as if being cruel in a relationship is what you like." I scoff at her as she just smirks. "Well Doctor, I would never be cruel to anyone I'm with , most of all you, but if you asked me." I listen as she pauses before walking over to me rather slowly, like the way a lion stalks it's prey. "If you asked me Addison, if you asked me, I would. I'd make you beg if you so desired to give over control." It's then that I realize what she meant by "personal matters." I feel my insides burn at the thought of what she is proposing but my mind is against the idea of ever truly begging. I raise my chin slightly at her inclination of me ever begging. I watch as she regards me in a smirk before her hands make contact with my hips. "Would you like to beg now or are you still acting as if your body doesn't want to beg now for me? For what it wants to be able to do? For what it wants me to do to it?" I feel her squeeze at my hips a little rough when her one hand drops to the bottom of my dress and she drags her hand up under the outside painfully slow causing me to squirm under her slightly. I drop my head to make direct eye contact with her. "I apologize Addison for treating you cruel in a manner that wasn't acceptable. But the slow burn cruel that is happening right now seems to be just what your mind needs. You want me to be cruel don't you? You actually desire it." The tone she uses is sweet but has that sinister undertone that makes my heart flutter. I'm about to speak when her nails dig into my thigh causing me to gasp and lurch forward into her a little. I close my eyes to try to not only steady myself but to calm the nerves surging through my body. I feel her start to remove my heels and I know that I'm now a few inches shorter than her and its going to play to what she's trying to get me to admit. I keep my eyes shut despite her taking the time to kiss my knees as she takes off each heel. I only open them when I feel her tilt my head up, and I'm immediately met with a smile and her lips dangerously close to mine. "You want me Addison, despite the clear act of stoicism in front of me. Despite the yelling earlier, it turned you on. You want me. Your mind, in fact your stubbornness, is fighting what your body is naturally already giving into. The only part of you that isn't touching me right now are your lips. Do you want me to change that?" Her voice. It's her damn voice. And with a simple nod that's all she needs.

Regina POV

This woman. She's infuriating and maddening and addictive. I watch as her mind is battling her from giving in while her body already has. I can feel every ripple of excitement that courses through her body. The way her stomach tightens, the way her legs are holding her up but are slowly giving in, how her pulse is soaring under my fingertips. And despite all that that's not how I know she wants this. It's the ragged breathing on my face that she's trying so hard to hide. The small quiet whine that releases when i caress her sides. She's longing for it. When she nods that's all I need for the moment. I surge forward crashing my lips to hers and I watch as her eyes slowly roll back until they're closed as I'm met with a moan. I don't hesitate as I pull her closer to me successfully causing her breathing to stop. I continue the assault on her mouth as I slowly reach around to start unzipping her dress. Once I finish, I slide my hands in the dress, and I feel her. I feel her back muscles working, I feel how smooth she is and I don't hesitate to unhook her bra while my hands are there. I pull us back against my desk when there's a knock on my door. She quickly pulls away to fix her appearance as I chuckle at her. "One second." I turn to see her zipping her dress back up and then sliding her dress back down to an acceptable length. She mushes her hair around before going to stand at the window to look out it. I smile lightly and then open the door. "Ahh Reggie, I have the documents that you asked for." I roll my eyes at Emma before leading her to my desk. "How many times do I need to tell you don't call me that Em?" She looks up at me and then notices Addison. "Well well Doctor, what brings you to see the Mayor at 6 in the evening? Hmm? Hot date?" I see Addison shudder lightly and then turn around, making quick eye contact with me. "More like bringing paper work by to the Boss. Same reason as you I suppose." I chuckle lightly at Emma's dumbfounded face before explaining that I need to close up and head home. Emma graciously heads to leave before turning around to ask Addison if she's coming. "She has to return the paperwork back to the hospital she's just waiting on me to finish looking over it." Emma nods her head and is gone in an instant.

Addisons POV

After Emma left I turned back around to look at the town through Regina's window. Admittedly falling more in love with it as I do so. Everything around me seems to just drift away as I stare at the sky. I'm brought of my trance when I feel her arms wrap around me and her head rests on my shoulder. I instinctually lean back into her more and release a sigh. "I wish I never had to leave this moment. Being up here with you, looking at the sunset, I just want to bottle it up forever." I feel her squeeze me closer before she kisses my neck lightly. " I completely understand. I wish I could I do the same thing." We stand like that for a minute just enjoying the moment when her hand starts to guide back down to my hips. She drags it agonizingly slow across my hips before her hand reaches my inner thigh causing me to completely lean my head back on her. She kisses my neck tenderly when she starts to pull  her hand towards a place I thought she'd never reach. She gives a quick peck to my ear and then backs off. "Why? Why did you stop?" I scoff at her and she chuckles. "I didn't think you'd want to be fucked in my office no less in front of the window where the town can see." She leans back against her desk as I stand there with my hand in my hair. "Maybe I did, maybe I don't care who sees. Maybe I wanted to be truly submissive for once." I watch as the words I say seem to catch her off guard. She clears her throat before continuing. "Regardless I'd prefer if our first time wasn't in my office, but I'd like to continue this evening with you and have dinner. Would you like to come back to my house?" I smile at her before putting on my heels and my Jacket. "Only If i get to go home and change first. I'm not far from your house and I'll meet you there. See you soon Mayor."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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