I'll keep you warm

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Summary: Y/N is sick and in need of Liam’s cuddles.

You found yourself awake still, into the late depths of the night. You sniffled lightly, and wrapped one of the many blankets crowding your bed tighter around your shivering body. With a harsh pounding against your skull, a sore throat, and despite the high temperatures gracing the summer season and the warmth spreading across your skin, a series of cold shivers - you were once again reminded of the sickness that had burdened your day (and now night too, apparently).

It took no genius to figure out you’d gotten incredibly sick. It also took no genius to figure out that you probably looked as rough as you felt. But that didn’t stop you from opening the cocoon of covers for your hand to slip out and blindly reaching for your phone on your bedside table through the inky shadows of the night, a grouchy groan slipping from your lips as you grasped the expensive object between your fingers and swiped to unlock.

You didn’t make an attempt to contain the string of croaky, expletive syllables that sounded with a painful sting under your breath as the glaring screen illuminated the dark room and brought burning tears to your squinting eyes, your mood decreasing more and more into the depths of brooding and dispiritedness as the minutes ticked further into the warm night.

Mildly unconscious of your actions, your thumbs pressed against your boyfriend’s name in your contacts and brought the phone up to the shell of your ear - listening to the repetitive dial tone with the ghost of a weak smile on your chapped lips, waiting patiently until the opposing side picked up. A few moments later, he did, and a muffled ruffling was heard as you softly called out his name,  “Li?”

“(Y/N)?” The comfort of Liam’s voice travelled through the speaker and reached your ears in hushed whispers. Without realising it, the press of a crestfallen weight, that had pushed harshly against your chest prior, lifted, and you already found yourself feeling slightly better.

Your head tilted to the side, your weary eyes peering over the clocked perched on the bedside cabinet, identifying the hands on the face to read half one in morning. With that acknowledgement, a burst of guilt swept through your fatigued being, “O-Oh, shit, Liam - I’m sorry, I didn’t realise it was so late-”

“Hey, hey,” He interrupted softly, and your rushed words fell into a faded silence, “What’s going on, baby? You sound sick - are you sick?”

Cut to ten minutes later, one phone call full of you apologising, and sneezing numerous times to the point that your boyfriend interrupting his own words to mutter ‘bless you’ became iconic, was over and now you sat - remorse and regret for waking him messily swirling through your harshly pounding head.

A light rap of knuckles on the glass of your bedroom window caught your immediate attention, and your head sluggishly titled towards the opening, catching a glimpse of the dark silhouette shadowed by the bright, optical rays of the near full moon. With a wince, you swung your legs over the edge of the soft, bouncy mattress and let your shaky limbs carry you across the fluffy carpet - the duvet falling from your shoulders in the process and causing another round of shivers to sweep across your tired, sick body.

You clutched the window handle between your fingers and pulled it sideways, pushing the glass open and allowing leeway for the blue-eyed beta. You painted a weak smile on your lips exclusively for him, as a subsequent of him coming to see you so late at night, and he softly sent one back before climbing with ease through the window frame and into the warmth of your bedroom.

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